Page 53 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
P. 53

InterIor DesIgn Focus

Challenging Clients


ew York City-based Robin Baron and While Baron  nds the topic to be a prickly one, 
Detroit-based Corey Damen Jenkins Jenkins has no problem hi ing it head on. “I just 

have been conducting their live talk point-blank ask, ‘What’s your budget?’ I tell them 
show — Bringing It Home — at vari- I have no problem mixing Henredon with Home 

ous markets such as High Point and
Goods if that’s what the budget is, but if you’re 
Dallas over the past six months to help fellow inte- going to tell me that you love Baker and you don’t 

rior designers  nd solutions to today’s challenges give me a dollar amount, then I’m going to design 

while building their brands.
with those names in mind and the next thing you 
At the High Point Market event, the topic of know, we’re at seven  gures.”

dealing with di cult clients took center stage in 
front of a standing-room-only crowd.

Almost like a blind date, the initial client con- 
“I tell them, ‘First you will love me’ [at 
sultation is comprised of both sides sizing one 
another up. “When I meet with a client I realize 
the consultation], then you will hate 
that not only are they interviewing me, but I’m 
interviewing them as well,” Robin Baron noted. “I 
me [in the middle of the project 
look for rapport; I like to make people laugh. I look 

to see whether they’re the type who is going to when things go wrong], and then you 
overthink everything, and whether they are going 
will love me again [when the project 
to be able to keep the momentum going.”
When a “match” isn’t made in heaven, it’s okay 
is complete].” 
to walk away. “Don’t be afraid to turn work down,” — Corey Damen Jenkins

Baron stated. “I just turned down a job because 
I could tell the client was not going to be a good 

 t for me. I like to conduct the interview in their 
home, so I can see how comfortable they are 

there. I read between the lines and look at signals.”
Baron has had some clients ask, “How much do you 

“I look at body language,” Jenkins added. First think the budget should be?” or “What should it take?” 
impressions mean a lot. “If a client doesn’t o er The answer: “I never, ever give a number, because they 

me something to drink or eat, that tells me wheth- will remember and stick to it no ma er what,” she ex- 
er they’re going to treat me like the help or family,” plained. “As an interior designer, I have to understand 

he stated.
where they’re at now. What are their current home 

Sometimes it’s easy to forget where an interior furnishings like? Are they downsizing or upsizing?”
designer stands in the grand scheme of a large There are some clients who hire an interior designer, 

construction project. “When a client is building thinking it will make their renovation process less ex- 
a home, we [can be viewed as] just a cog in the pensive. That may be true, as in the case of preventing 

machine. There are so many di erent contractors a costly mistake from happening, but the reality may be 

involved,” said Jenkins, who believes there are four a li le di erent.
chief executives on every new home construction “My job is not to save you money. I’m not a banker,” 

project: Client, Builder, Architect, and Designer. Jenkins explained. “I’m saving you heart-ache, for ex- 
The interior designer, however, is more in uential ample, when the sofa you bought can’t  t through the 

than is o en given credit. “The placement of the door. I’m here to help you spend your money wisely. I’m 

sconce comes from me, and even the idea of hav- here to give you professional guidance.”
ing a wall comes from me,” Jenkins stated. “The Sticker shock doesn’t just happen when buying a new 

designer is the conductor of this orchestra.”
car; it can happen in home furnishings, too. “I always 
tell clients to pull out a bo le of vodka or whatever 

THe B worD
their favorite drink is because they’re going to need it 

At some point in the conversation, money is go- when we go over the [materials] list line by line,” Baron 
ing to be addressed. “They have to tell you what remarked. “They need to trust you.”

the budget is going to be, and you have to hit that How does one build trust? Jenkins forewarns his 
target for them  nancially,” Jenkins commented.
clients about the three steps they will undoubtedly

april 2017 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 51

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