Page 58 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
P. 58
InterIor DesIgn Focus
Reducing HeadacHes
something to save a li le money,” he commented, there is a change to the order,” he explained. “I’m
suggesting the extra money for the item be divid- the quarterback for my clients and my job is to
ed [in perspective] over the timeframe. “Say you’ll protect them; I have their back. Show them how
stay in that home for 10 years or more, that’s an you do things — this helps build trust.”
extra $27 a month to have what you love,” he com- When clients are hung up on making a deci-
mented. “I tell the client that [it’s like] I’m making a sion about a material or item, sometimes asking
custom suit for them.”
“What do you not like?” is more e ective at
Practicality versus luxury is another balancing ge ing to the core, according to Grubb. “I also
“I tell the act interior designers face regularly. For example, remind them, ‘I’m not here to spend your money.
opting for natural materials on the countertops al- I’m here to get the most [value] for you.’” There
client that though the care requires more maintenance than have been times when a client will complain
[it’s like] I’m a laminate or other surface.
about expenses, asking, “Why do you need to do
“I’ve never had a client call and say they regret- so many site visits?” Grubb’s answer: “I like to do
making a ted choosing natural stone,” Grubb stated. “When so many because it’s easier to x something – for
the maintenance question comes up, I ask whether example, in the lighting – before the wiring has
custom suit they want a silk shirt or a polyester shirt. The silk been done.”
one costs more, but it’s more luxurious.”
It’s critical to go over what is a billable expense
for them.”
As the interior designer on the project, Grubb and what is non-billable. “Go over the reimburs-
wants to keep the process headache-free for his ables, and remember that sales tax isn’t charged
— Christopher Grubb
clients. “I tell them the contractor has to call us if
until you invoice the project,” Grubb a rmed.
56 enLIGHTenment Magazine | april 2017