Page 62 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
P. 62
It’s a
Thanks to a small group of industry professionals, there
will soon be two specialized education programs focused
on ceiling fans for installers as well as retail salespeople.
he Hawaiian islands are o en considered to explains. What she began experiencing as a retailer, how-
be a modern-day paradise, but there are a ever, was an abundance of ceiling fans being returned.
few aspects that are irksome. For industry “People were buying perfectly good ceiling fans, and then
retail veteran Susan Irie of Kilohana Lighting bringing them back because they say they are ‘broken,’”
on the island of Kauai, preventable waste is recounts Irie, who estimates 90 percent of the time, the
particularly troubling as land ll space and shipping costs problem is the installation. “I’ve had electricians tell me
are at a premium.
that they don’t ever balance ceiling fans, and I’d respond,
“Here in Hawaii, we use a lot of ceiling fans,” she
‘Well then you don’t install them!’” she comments. When
60 enLIGHTenment Magazine | april 2017