Page 94 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
P. 94
on the mark
Why You Should
Care About
“Big Data” is ikipedia de nes big almost any aspect of your business is in your
data as “a term for data ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning),
a buzzword
sets that are so large or and if you are not computerized yet, why
complex that traditional not? If you are commi ed to operating your
used in
data-processing appli-
business on information, then the expense of
cations are inadequate to deal with them.”
utilizing an ERP system that gives you what
No wonder small and medium-size indepen- you need, when you need it, can be justi ed
reporting, dent retailers shudder when they hear this in labor savings and increased accuracy.
phrase thrown about.
“Executable Information” was once only
but how So how does “Big Data” apply to light- available to large companies with complex
ing showrooms, our wonderful group of computer systems. The advancements in
merchants that vary so much in size and re- technology have made that same data – and
does the
sources? What information is relevant, and more – easily accessible. Utilizing this infor-
what can be done with the information?
mation is not based on a company’s size, but
term apply
on the human and capital resources that can
leT’s reDeFine iT
be commi ed towards using the data.
to lighting
How about we think of it as “useful/valuable Having a reliable system of recording and
showrooms? information” that is obtained from digital reporting information that impacts your
and traditional sources and is accessible business is essential. Showrooms will rapidly
within your retail format. The hurdle is that discover that Word and Excel are no longer
there is so much information available. Your suitable to manage their business today.
challenge will be selecting the information Just think of the waste of resources in both
that most impacts your business and the time and money: completing labor-intensive
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) you have tasks such as gathering information, sorting
it, recording it by hand, forma ing KPI for-
The information you need to scrutinize
mulas, and then inpu ing the data.
92 enLIGHTenment Magazine | april 2017