Page 54 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - August 2017
P. 54
Much fanfare is being made over the Millennial
generation, but according to an ALA-accredited
seminar held at Lightovation, aging Baby Boomers
present an even greater opportunity for lighting
here are several reasons why Terry Mc- student eye fatigue/strain, macular degenera-
Gowan, FIES, LC, is passionate about the tion, cataracts, and other vision problems. And
bene ts proper lighting can have on aging nally, there is the rst-hand knowledge he
eyes. As the ALA’s Director of Engineering brings to the table as a Baby Boomer.
& Technology who is also helping to spear-
McGowan cited this statistic from the Na-
head an upcoming educational program on the tional Eye Institute: “The over-40 population
topic, he wants to assist the lighting industry by represents approximately 89 million people,
sharing new research information that can make and of those, 63 percent have vision problems.
life be er for a growing percentage of the popula- Vision deteriorates with age, and particularly
tion. Then there is the enormous sales potential a er age 70 there is an increasing number of
he predicts for showrooms who emphasize lighting vision problems that a ect the general senior
solutions that can mitigate ailments ranging from
Seniors are the fastest-growing segment of the population
40+ million Americans are age 65 or over
10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day
Canada and the U.S. are facing a similar demographic change
Quality lighting is an integral part of the e orts to implement
ways for people to remain vital as they age
52 enLIGHTenment Magazine | august 2017