Page 60 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - December 2015
P. 60



The year 
ccording to the Interior Design Our goal as a Society is to share that knowledge 
2015/16 Outlook and State of the throughongoingresearchandeducation.”
2016 is 
Industry Report, produced by the In developing the Industry Outlook, ASID ana- 
American Society of Interior De- lyzed data from both public and private sources, 
signers (ASID) Research, forecasts surveying more than 200 practicing interior design-

to remain continue to predict positive growth for the interior ers and convening the  rst-ever ASID Think Tank
design industry, with several indicators suggesting Challenge. Comprised of six thought-leaders from 

strong for that design has fully recovered from the Recession cu ing-edge  rms and a variety of disciplines, the 
of 2008.
“think tank” was tasked with con rming the validity 

the interior The number of designers and design  rms is near of the six de ned macro-trends. Each macro-trend 

or ahead of 2007  gures, and the dollar value of was also analyzed into its own set of sub-trends. 
sales and product speci ed is at record levels. With Some of the sub-trends are described as highly 
billings and inquiries on the rise, it is expected that transformative, such as higher sustainability stan- 
the job market will remain active as  rms of all sizes dards, while others are described as fast-moving, 
and design specialties are on track to hire more like designing for healthy behaviors.

“Our objective is to help our members under- 
In addition, as the industry grows, it has also stand the trends, analyze what they mean for their 

evolved with six macro-trends for 2015/16 slated to projects and business, and push the boundaries of 
continue: Health & Well-Being, Technology, Sustain- interior design,” Fiser adds.

ability, Urbanization, Globalization, and Resiliency.
It is important to note that while commercial 

“Designers are now expected to solve increas- designers are experimenting in their practice with 
ingly complex problems — designing o ce spaces many of the trends cited in the 2015/2016 Outlook 

that encourage health and well-being, integrating Report, residential designers – with a few excep- 
multiple generations in one home, minimizing the tions – are seeing less adoption overall. This may 

environmental footprint of a new hotel, or creating be due to reduced demand from consumers, higher 

retail spaces that utilize the latest technology in an price sensitivity, or lower designer awareness. 
e ort to maximize pro ts,” says Randy Fiser, CEO Those designers who bring some of these trends 

of the ASID. “To meet this growing demand, provid- into the residential market, however, might  nd a 
ing proper education, training, and tools is critical.
new competitive advantage.

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