Page 90 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - December 2015
P. 90
on the Mark
In retail today, connecting with the customer on a personal
level is more important than ever.
omewhere in the midst of every sales sales process and how it is implemented.
model, you will nd the topic of building There is no quick way; rapport is built over time,
rapport with the customer. In the past, starting before you ever meet a customer. It is
most of the methods suggested are a de ned by the deliberate conversations, action,
bit antiquated, manipulative, and at the
and interaction you have with a client, customer,
very least – to the informed consumer – conde- or co-worker. Much of maintaining great rapport
scendingly transparent. Instead, I recommend that is to keep your commitments and always follow
you broaden your skills and adopt genuine rapport.
What’s the difference betWeen genuine
“Rapport is a close and harmonious relation-
ship in which the people or groups concerned rapport and manipulation?
understand each other’s feelings or ideas and In genuine rapport, the other person/client is bet-
communicate well.”
ter o having met you. It is not a one way bene t.
The gurus from the dark days of selling would
If you have been in the sales profession for any recommend that you feign interest with your cli-
period of time, you have already heard that you ent, and the most transparent way to fake rapport
must build rapport with the customer, get them to is giving an insincere compliment. While this may
like you rst, create a connection or bond with the get a customer’s a ention, it has neither the depth
customer, or that “people buy from people they nor the capacity to start an ongoing relationship.
If you are able to build a good relationship with
Wanting to build rapport with a client has a the customer, genuine compliments are always ap-
deserved place in sales, but in the new model, preciated; it is the timing of the compliment that
rapport-building needs to shi its position in the
makes the di erence.
88 enLIGHTenment Magazine | DeceMber 2015