Page 52 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 52

New Horizons

Forge, the design team did not want to dampen that we hadn’t represented before. How do you 
that enthusiasm for the signature line. Instead, they do that without looking me-too or competing on 

envisioned expanding that fan base even more.
price? There is a sea of crystal  xtures everywhere, 
“The clean contemporary look has always been but we saw a gap in the market. There are plenty 

here and there in Hubbardton Forge,” Ki s a rms. of choices for  xtures dripping with crystals, and 
However, the new brands up the ante. “They are there are plenty of companies competing on price. 

meant to be signi cant departures for the [com- We wanted to do the next evolution of crystal by 

pany],” he says. The resulting divisions – Vermont treating it like a jewel.”
Modern and Synchronicity – are supported by their Coincidentally Swarovski® was looking to expand 

own logos, catalogs, Web sites, and merchandis- its technology. The renowned crystal manufacturer 
ing materials separate from Hubbardton Forge. had recently developed a unique Wave-Cut crystal 

Vermont Modern and Synchronicity products will and was searching for a manufacturer that could 

be sold through the same market channels as their stylishly incorporate it into  xtures.
parent company and are designed by the same “They came to us because they knew we don’t 

individuals who create the Hubbardton Forge sig- do ‘standard’ anything. They wanted a partner who 
nature line.
could highlight what was unique about this crystal. 

“Vermont Modern was the easier of the two They were not looking for volume,” Ki s says. That 

routes to accomplish using a di erent perspec- unusual characteristic was a chunk of crystal that 
tive,” Ki s recounts. For Synchronicity, the idea was both convex and concave — truly not a piece 

of integrating crystal into the company’s hallmark that could be easily or inexpensively adapted to 
sculptural look was trickier. “Crystal is a big category
traditional chandeliers.

This  xture is part
of the new Vermont 

Modern brand, which 
utilizes waterjet cu ing 
for precise, three- 

dimensional angles.

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