Page 69 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 69

New eNergy for the New Year


hat be er time than the dawn 

of a new year to e ect positive 
change in your personal life 

and your business? This brand 
new book-and-card set is an easy add-on item at 

$24.99 retail to sell in a lighting showroom, plus it 

provides tips that any manufacturers’ representa- 
tives or employees can adapt to their own lives.

If the name Sandy Sue Rector sounds familiar 
to you, it might be because I detailed a workshop 

she did two years ago for Statewide Lighting in 

Arizona for consumers interested in adapting feng 
shui principles. Statewide Lighting coordinated 
Sandy Sue Rector
the seminar with discounts on items (i.e.  re pits, 
candle sets, fountains) in stock that corresponded 

to the natural elements that were discussed.
Rector’s and Rux’s book 
Through her Arizona-based business Balance who wants to easily apply the principles in a way 
Your Life, Rector is regularly tapped by clients that is simple to grasp. Intended for beginners to EZ2 Feng Shui is available 
through major booksellers, 
who wish to have a professional feng shui con- advanced practioners and designers, the boxed however those ordering 
sultant evaluate their environment. One of those set includes a 32-page book, 26 illustrated cards, 
through the Balance Your 
customers was Joy Rux, the owner of a whole- a map of energy (a Bagua), 5 question cards, and Life Web site 
sale furniture business, who hired Rector to give 9 Gua cards (representing Prosperity, Fame, will receive 3 Red 
guidance on her home aesthetic as well as her Relationships, Health, Family, Creativity, Self- 
Manifestation Envelopes 
business. Rux was so impressed by the ensuing Improvement, Career, and Travel), plus 13 Yin/ with instructions and
results, she too began learning in-depth about Yang Room cards for creating room diagrams that a Bonus Tip Card for 
Love, Money, and Health 
the ancient practice. Since studying feng shui is provide suggestions on optimal furniture pieces, 
a complicated and time-consuming endeavor, the ideal colors, and placement directions to enhance 
two came up with an e ective solution for anyone
and balance energy  ow.

Rector gives these insights on how to apply some basic feng shui principles to your life:

the center of the home, where the health sector TER OF THE HOME. If a fresh bouquet is not feasible, 

is (note: the “center” of the home is more of a arti cial  owers are  ne, or a po ed plant with yel- 

mathematical equation than an emotional “center” low  owers. Why is yellow important? “Yellow li s 
of the living space). This allows energy to  ow more the energy in an environment,” Rector states. “When 

freely throughout the home.
we see yellow, it gives us a li . Flowers are such a 
high energy; that’s why we bring them to people.”


too o en we hang onto things with the expectation CANDLES ARE ALSO GOOD FOR UPLIFTING 
that one day we’ll get around to  xing them. Even ENERGY. A salt lamp would be perfect, since it emits 

potpourri – a er the fragrance is gone – is essentially negative ions that give positive bene ts to your 
dead energy, Rector says.
health and li  the energy.

DeceMber 2016 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 67

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