Page 82 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 82
connecting SpaceS
3form Varia Eco-resin is the primary shade
material LightArt uses for Connected, providing
designers with access to 1,000+ color choices in-
cluding 3form’s most recent color launch. Because
of its custom con guration and color options,
Connected o ers countless design solutions. The
xtures are handmade in the company’s Sea le
studio and have UL-listed integrated LED com-
ponents and solid-state systems with dimming
capabilities. The company has also earned the Liv-
ing Building Challenge’s LBC-Compliant Declare
Label for lighting a er the Connected system
ful lled the rigorous material requirements for
transparency and energy-e ciency in the manu-
facturing process. Every LA2 xture can be spec’d
on Living Building Challenge, LEED V4, and any
projects where materials disclosure, optimization,
and performance are of critical importance.
Achieving the LBC-Compliant Declare Label
isn’t easy. In fact, the strict quali cations can of-
ten pose greater challenges to creating the end
“The biggest challenge was on the supplier side,
asking our vendors to get speci c materials they
may not have used previously to make our x-
tures compliant,” Smith reveals. “For example, the
company supplying a lot of our nishes needed to
change that nish in order for our xtures to be
compliant. We had to ask for that change within
their supply to take place.”
While the work has been exhilarating, there
have been challenges. “The most demanding part
of these projects has been when someone asks
for something outside of the standard Connected
system, and we have to make custom parts,” Smith
A LightArt ceiling xture Connected Rings (a specialized subset of notes. “For the most part, we’ve been able to ne-
subtly guides visitors to Connected) can be utilized to bring focus to des- tune the Connected system to provide designers
Cision to the front desk.
ignated spaces and design elements. For example, with a line of lighting that looks custom, but is also
designers can showcase a conference table, meet- easy to order and easy to install.”
ing pod, or o ce space with illuminated Rings 6 In terms of creative inspiration, there are some
to 16 feet in diameter. Rings can also be used as a lighting styles from the past that have sparked a
way nding device to link employees and visitors design aesthetic and have acted as cultural touch
points that in uence LightArt’s products. “A lot
“The scale of the pieces – a big ring or rectangle – of the lighting from the 1950s inspired us,” Smith
can help to create and de ne architectural spac- says. “It was always about simplicity. When some
es,” Smith explains. “A classic example is a ring of the ornamentation went away, you started to
over a nurse’s station in a healthcare environment. see beautiful xtures like Noguchi or Nelson —
We always see a need to delineate a smaller space those really timeless pieces.”
within a larger one, and Connected can achieve In terms of present-day trends that LightArt
that with a high level of visual intrigue. The xtures sees from their client base, a desire for continued
help to center/organize the room.”
innovation that’s eye catching remains foremost
80 enLIGHTenment Magazine | DeceMber 2016