Page 66 - Lighting Magazine December 2018
P. 66
hoNg KoNg highlights
At the Beacon International booth, the focus was on the new Lucci Air ceiling fans with retractable blades (see below) that allow the product to serve as a decorative lighting xture without the visual distraction of blades.
On a global level, the lighting industry will be seeing more products and educational sessions on horticulture applications in the future.
lighting and the various lighting “recipes” used to spur plant growth and engender speci c charac- teristics. On a global level, the lighting industry will be seeing more products and educational sessions on horticulture applications in the future.
As much as the industry is focused on innovations in LED, it bears noting that there cur- rently is still a large market for decorative xtures in traditional forms. For example, the Iris Bohemian Crystal booth was bustling with a endees seeking large-scale glass xtures for hospitality and resi- dential installations, and other European-based manufacturers of transitional and traditional styles were similarly busy. While some models are be- ing out ed with LED, many traditional xtures remain steadfastly incandescent in keeping with statistics that show complete LED adoption in the
residential sector is still some years away.
Another sign that the world is ge ing smaller – from a lighting design perspective – is the consis- tency in global trends. Perhaps it is the barrage of images on social media making consumers in every portion of the world become like-minded regarding décor, but there is de nitely an aesthetic accord. From old-fashioned Edison bulb shapes (with de- liberately prominent lament) to the proliferation of home furnishings with Danish Hygge sensibili- ties, the design and consumer worlds are thinking
with one mind.
With lighting and controls development advanc-
ing rapidly, a ending educational trade shows regularly is part of an e ective strategy for keeping pace with the latest technology in order to stand out from the competition.
62 enLIGHTenment magazine | december 2018