Page 30 - Lighting Magazine February 2018
P. 30
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‘. The Elphe to outdoor
sconce teatures an
H integrated 3oooi<
I LED light that shines
‘ srnoothiy down the
O open triangular housing
. to cornpiement any
outdoor setting.
. ,‘ Auaiiabie in either a
_ / 1 \\ Bronze or Graphite
// / T \ (shown) hnish, the larger
‘. \ Ehoha 13 measures
Cows?‘/'“' ojJ 13.4" high x 7.5" Wide
Q / x 3.7" deep, white
-<_-_-y \ / the srnaiier Elpha to
h \ \ / measures 10" high x
T e DUFFV ; .' - ., «’ 5.7“ wide x 3.7“ dee .
coueetion otters 3'
a wide array oi _
wan—, eeihng—, and <-,' ;
P°‘e‘"‘°W"ed hi T * g T
fixtures in a Matte “
Biaoh iinish paired ‘
with seedy glass. , ' , « , . , ,
Hand—craHed out or soiio brass
V _ I ‘ i or solid cooper, Model #3531 is '
____, shown in an Antique Brass finish
with seeded gtass panels (clear
is aiso ottered). it is iarnoeo with
4 40—watt eanoeiabra tsuibs and
j ___ , .1 __ can be specified in the ioiiowing ’%"** —
finishes: Raw Brass, Antique Brass, -—. __
Biaeheneo Brass, O'i|—Rubbed Brass,
Raw Copper, Antique Copper, ‘
Biaeheneo Copper, Antique Copper ~
\ Verde, Copper Verde, and Rust. ’ ,
wwwfourteentheotonuiightingeorn \
t . ,
___. . ___j_ .
\ \ r /' ‘
V7 V / ;Vo ‘ ‘ 4”
V — -—. — _ —— 4 l BY FEESS I
.- i\ x s. Beautitui tor covered outdoor spaces, the H'i|o wet-rated ooueetion horn
’ r _ ‘> show House by Feiss ean also be installed indoors. with candelabra
, r " bulbs covered in clear glass to protect trorn rnoisture, i-tiio teatures siirn
2 ‘x ‘ rnetai arms that extend out from a center hub to create an organic globe
’ silhouette in an Oil-Rubbed Bronze iinish. In addition to this might
chandelier rneasuring 36‘ high X 3«‘)"d1ameter,there’s aiso a snianer, =9-tight
chandelier. wwwgenemttonlightingcom
26 er‘LIGH'ler*rneri( MAGAZWNE \rEi=.D.i.‘.Dv 201R WWW ENUGHTENMENTMAG COM