Page 16 - enLIGHTenment January 2016
P. 16

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LED Seminar by 

Alco Lighting Sales 

Draws Crowd

Alan Colker of 
Alco Lighting 
Sales has been 

in bringing 
cu ing-edge 
education to his 

clients for close 
to 20 years.

n order to keep their distributor and lighting controls for a 3,000-sq.- . development of a complete lighting 

customers up to date on the latest custom home.” Topics ranged from plan.

developments in LED lighting plus
outlining the di erence between LED “I a ended the seminar to grasp a 
provide tips on how to sell and explain products found in the big box stores be er education of the changing LED 

the technology in a way consumers can versus what is sold in a showroom and phenomena that is taking the lighting 
easily understand, the father-and-son the features and bene ts of integrated market by storm,” explains lighting sales 

team of Alan and Mitch Colker of Alco LED  xtures versus using LED bulbs in representative Mitchell Winston, who 

Lighting Sales recently hosted their 37th medium- and candelabra-base  xtures covers Virginia and North Carolina. “I 
American Lighting Association (ALA) ac- to the more technical, such as explaining found the seminar to be highly educa- 

credited seminar in Richmond, Virginia.
photopic versus scotopic lumens and tional including many di erent aspects 
The widely anticipated event drew how knowing the di erence can help in of the lighting industry. Joe’s presenta- 

participants from independent lighting selling LED lighting.
tion of the subject was informative as 

showrooms, design  rms, electrical As a endees delved deeper into the well as educational, and he encouraged 
distributors, speci cation reps, and subject, the seminar covered evaluating participation. It was a day well spent. 

plumbing supply houses throughout initial lumens versus delivered lumens Kudos to Alan and Mitch for taking
Virginia as well as Maryland, Washing- from LED  xtures plus the di erences the initiative to help educate our 

ton, D.C., and West Virginia.
between AC versus DC LED and which customers.”

The seminar, taught by architect
is best for particular applications. A Helping to co-sponsor the event 
and ALA educator Joe Rey-Barreau, comprehensive guide to dimming and were Cra made, Ellington Ceiling Fans, 

covered the “fundamentals of advanced controls followed, along with hands-
Jeremiah Lighting, Satco Products, and 
applications of LED lighting, dimming,
on design analysis, and the design
NUVO Lighting.

14 enLIGHTenment Magazine | January 2016

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