Page 94 - enLIGHTenment January 2016
P. 94

sunset green Home


At the home’s new height, n 2012, when Superstorm Sandy tore were not primary residences] due to overwhelm- 
safely out of potential 
 ood waters, the family through the Caribbean and up the East ing demand post-Sandy, Erle decided to replace 
Coast, the U.S property damage le  in the destroyed co age on the same lot with a new 
can enjoy an even more 
magni cent view than they its wake was estimated at $62 billion. building she dubbed the “Sunset Green Home” 
had before.
Millions of people living in New York and project.
New Jersey were negatively impacted and faced The challenge was to have her family’s new 

with the choice of either abandoning or rebuilding home achieve LEED Platinum status, which was 
their homes.
no small feat. With LEED Platinum certi cation, 

Among those a ected was Kim Erle, a Leader- the home would qualify for signi cant tax breaks 

ship in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) following Southampton’s recent adoption of sub- 
accredited professional, who lost the 1940s stantial green building tax incentives. In fact, Erle’s 

Southhampton beach co age she purchased just Sunset Green Home was the  rst project to regis- 
three years prior to the storm of a century.
ter for LEED certi cation speci cally in response 

Standing  ve feet above sea level for decades, to those incentives.

unscathed by past hurricanes, the co age that “We want to serve as an example for our neigh- 
Erle, her husband, and their children enjoyed as bors who also wish to build sustainable homes and 

a weekend sanctuary was declared “Substantially earn the tax breaks,” explains Erle, who is also a 
Damaged” by the town. In order to comply with the registered investment advisor in New York City.
new building codes, their home would have be torn Given the opportunity to cra  her home from E.C
down, rebuilt, and elevated to more than double scratch, Erle decided to create a “Beach Modern” HO
its previous height to 12 feet above sea level.
aesthetic. Her goal was to incorporate natural ma- EN
Because state aid and insurance reimburse- terials to create spaces that are open, airy, light, TG
ments were scarce for funding rebuilt homes [that
and unfussy.

92 enLIGHTenment Magazine | january 2016

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