Page 98 - enLIGHTenment January 2016
P. 98

sunset green Home

above: Tech Lighting’s Quinton pendants were 
used above the kitchen island and out  ed with 

the company’s award-winning Alva bulb-like 
 xtures that replicate vintage Edisons.

rigHt: Tech’s ELEMENT recessed lighting 

provides ambient illumination above the living 
room window without obstructing the view.

“I wanted a For the indoor spaces, Erle wanted to create For the LED decorative  xtures, Erle chose 28 

multiple layers of light through a wide variety of sconces,  ush-mounts, and pendants from Tech 
statement downlights and decorative  xtures that would to further layer the light in the home and in the 

piece that complement Sunset Green Home’s clean and adjacent pool house.
somewhat modern aesthetic. A combination of Proving that LED decorative  xtures do not 

46 ELEMENT LED downlights — using both round compromise style, Erle chose three large-scale 
and square trims — plus  xed, adjustable, and wall- Quinton line-voltage pendants in clear glass above TIN
wash models did the trick.
the kitchen island. The organic bulb-shaped pen- GH
“Our use of ELEMENT LED downlights pro- dants are hand-blown in Poland and feature Tech’s CH 
e ciency
vides maximum  exibility, while the adjustable LED Alva pendant inside, which has the look of  l- TE
lamp positioning manages the trade-o  between aments laser-etched into the optic crystal “bulb.”
with the
maximizing light output versus minimizing glare,” Another 10 decorative LED luminaires from EM
Erle explains. “There’s  exibility for swapping out Feiss were placed in various rooms, including a EL
light engines from below the ceiling as technology colossal 48-inch Khloe pendant in the foyer, which OT
evolves, and there are multiple trim options. We exempli es an LED-centric  xture design not PH
speci ed 3- and 4-inch square trim downlights even possible with traditional lamping. “I wanted a IG
M; R
throughout the main rooms for design consistency. statement piece that combined energy e ciency O
The bathrooms have 3-inch round trims to match with the home’s Beach Modern design aesthetic,” E.C
the round sprinkler heads and ventilation ducts Erle says. “What amazes our visitors is how beauti- HO
in the ceilings,” she adds. “Overall, they provide ful LED  xtures can be.”
general illumination in concert with the decorative TG
— Kim Erle
the ruGGed OutdOOrS
lights and helped us achieve our LEED certi ca- SU
tion goal since each uses only one-  h the energy In considering the exterior lighting that would O: 
of an incandescent lamp without compromising support the project’s aggressive energy-e ciency PH
light output.”
goals, Erle opted for LED  xtures, but needed

96 enLIGHTenment Magazine | january 2016

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