Page 102 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - January 2017
P. 102

2017 housing Trends

What’s Selling ?


the 5 housing trends 

a ecting the housing 

market in 2017.

Millennials and Baby Boomers to dominate: These two giant demographics are expected to
fuel demand for at least the next decade in the housing market. has lowered

its prediction of the Millennial market share to 33 percent of buyers due to recent increases in 
mortgage rates. Baby Boomers are expected to make up 30 percent of buyers in 2017.

2. Midwestern cities get more a ention from 

Millennials: The country’s midsection is
estimated to see an increase among Millennials 3.
Price appreciation to slow: Home prices are 
purchasing homes in 2017 due to greater a ord- 
forecasted to slow to a 3.9 percent year-over-
ability in 15 of the 19 largest Midwestern markets. year growth in 2017, down from an estimated 4.9® says these metros have an average 
percent growth in 2016. According to® 
Millennial marketshare of 42 percent or higher: there are 26 metro markets in particular that are 
Madison, Wis.; Columbus, Ohio; Omaha, Neb.; Des 
predicted to see prices rise 1 percent point or more 
Moines, Iowa; and Minneapolis.
with Greensboro-High Point, N.C.; Akron, Ohio; and 
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, Md. expected to see 

the largest gains.

Fewer homes on the 

market: Inventory is
expected to drop even lower 5. 
Western cities to lead in prices and sales: Western metros are expected 
in 2017, o ering home buyers to see price increases of 5.8 percent in 2017 with sales expected to rise
even fewer choices. According 
4.7 percent, which is higher than the anticipated averages for the rest of the 
to®, inventory is 
country. Western cities continue to top®’s 2017 housing markets 
down an average of 11 percent list, especially Los Angeles; Sacramento and Riverside, Calif.; Tucson, Ariz.; and 
in the top 100 metros.
Portland, Oregon.

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