Page 108 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - January 2017
P. 108

2017 housing Trends

Millennials, in 

particular, show a higher

interest in making 

upgrades to enhance 70

their personal expression 
and to increase the 

home’s energy 50

e ciency





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professional/ neighbor


percent) and  nishing the basement (13 percent).  nishing basements. Women show a higher pref- 

Owners aged 65-75 are more likely to have com- erence for interior redecorating, minor bathroom 

pleted a bathroom or kitchen overhaul (36 percent remodeling, and replacing appliances.
and 28 percent, respectively), whereas Millennials Most homeowners (55 percent) rely on a con- 

are slightly more likely to have  nished their base- tractor or professional when planning and making 
ment (16 percent).
home improvements, but they also seek advice 

The majority (66 percent) of homeowners inter- from family, friends, and neighbors (52 percent) 

viewed said they choose to make improvements plus conduct research via online resources (49 
primarily to express their personal style, with few- percent). Roughly 70 percent of those surveyed 

er than 1 in 10 (9 percent) making improvements say they use local home improvement retailers in 
to bolster resale. Among the style improvements some way.

are interior and exterior painting,  ooring replace- Nearly one-third (32 percent) of the Millennial 

ment, minor kitchen and bathroom upgrades, and owners typically amassed information from more 
general redecorating. Millennials, in particular, than  ve resources. The majority went online (71 

show a higher interest (78 percent) in making up- percent) or to home improvement stores (69 per- 
grades to enhance their personal expression and cent), and 64 percent gathered information from 

to increase the home’s energy e ciency.
friends and family or watched videos (61 percent). 

When it comes to renovating a home, men and Generation Xers and Baby Boomers were the ones 
women di er on the types of projects they’re most who most o en turn to home improvement retail- 

likely to tackle. Men show a higher preference ers (73 and 72 percent, respectively) as a source 
for major and minor kitchen improvements and
of information.

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