Page 142 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - January 2017
P. 142
on the mark
and, more importantly, is willing to – master the story is fashioned well, you (as the guide) have the
skills required to deliver the value of a human-to- map the customer needs, and they will know it.
human interaction. Doing this correctly creates Examples of stories could be the myths about
loyalty for both the salesperson and the store.
LED lamps, lead-time disappointments, or a light-
ing remodel that increased a home’s value. The
new skILLs To acQuIre
material you need for these stories comes from
your real-life, day-to-day interactions with clients.
When communicating with people in a human-
to-human way, the power of “Storytelling” is ➠D IGITAL SKILLS
valuable. “Stories” are an emotional journey that It might seem odd to include “Digital Skills” as
a ects your customer and are memorable.
part of an article on human-to-human selling, but
The basics are easy to grasp. When creating your the Internet allows customers to check out which
story, four segments must be included: Character company (or person) is the best t for their needs
(Hero or Villain), Con ict, Solution, and Result.
before they ever get into their cars.
The hero is a person who, like the customer, is In my mind, it is no longer a question whether to
facing a similar problem. When your customer can be active in social media or not. The real question is:
relate to the hero’s journey, they mentally go along When will it become an essential part of your sales
for the ride with them and will want the same or a department’s job description? No ma er what a
di erent result (based on the con ict).
sta member’s current digital skill level is, becoming
Your stories must relate the experience the cus- pro cient with social media should be a professional
tomer had or did not have, while only giving a minor development goal for 2017 and beyond.
role to you, your store, and your product. When a
Having a strong command of digital skills
It might seem odd
to include “Digital
Skills” as part of an
article on human-
to-human selling,
but the Internet
allows customers
to check out
which company
(or person) is the
best t for their
needs before they
ever get into
their cars.
140 enLIGHTenment Magazine | january 2017