Page 24 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - January 2017
P. 24
In the news
Ma hews
Fan Company
Donates to
Flood Victims
ollowing the 1,000-year rain in
Louisiana this summer, Ma hews Fan Crystorama
Company employees were able to
step up to the plate and donate ceiling fans
Conducts Food Drive
to many of the ood victims. The fans were
shipped to Denham Springs, La. and distrib-
uted by Fischer-Gambino of New Orleans on
Ma hews’ behalf.
“Ma hews Fan Company is commi ed
estbury, N.Y.-based Crystorama Lighting conducted a food
to helping our neighbors when we are
drive during the recent holidays on behalf of Island Harvest,
able,” explains Chuck Ma hews, President. a local relief organization on Long Island, New York.
“A er the devastating rain in Louisiana,
“Our company’s team wanted to do something special to help out indi-
we provided fans to several of the victims viduals and families in our community who are struggling to put food on
whose homes were lost or badly damaged. the table,” says Brad Kleinberg, President of Crystorama Lighting. “More
Our product is distributed internationally
than 316,000 Long Islanders — adults and children — face the risk of
so when there is an event such as this, we hunger every day. Long Island is our home, and we want to do all we can
know that in some capacity, our partners and to help our less-fortunate neighbors during their time of need.”
customers are a ected. We were honored As part of the food drive, Crystorama’s employees donated a wide
to be able to help.”
range of canned and packaged foods, including vegetables, soup, and
pasta. The food was delivered to Island Harvest’s headquarters in
Approximately 70,000 individuals seek food assistance in Nassau
and Su olk counties each week through soup kitchens, food pantries,
and other feeding programs served by Island Harvest Food Bank. The
organization delivers millions of pounds of food each year to a network
of 570 Long Island-based food pantries, soup kitchens, and other non-
pro t organizations that o er services for those in need.
“Long Island is our home, and we
want to do all we can to help our
less-fortunate neighbors during
their time of need.”
—Brad Kleinberg
22 enLIGHTenment Magazine | january 2017