Page 26 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - May 2016
P. 26

Troy Lee

President of Savoy House

children; it’s become a disposable society. Con- 

sumers will totally change out their room décor 
every few years, and for that reason we have to 

stay on top of current trends and watch those 

price points carefully.
Lighting styles have always followed furniture 

trends, but even that has accelerated. Where 
once lighting would have lagged several years be- 

hind furniture trends, now it’s one year or less. We 

are more fashion-oriented and value-driven than 
we ever have been before.

Another change I’ve observed is the end of 
How did you enter tHe industry?
specialized businesses. When I  rst got into light- 
I grew up working in my grandfather’s store (Pro- ing, there were companies that focused on crystal 
Ugressive Lighting) in Atlanta. From the time I was or a speci c niche. Now everyone has become a 
T12 years old, I’d be in the showroom part-time dur- melting pot, broadening their product range to be 
ing summer and school breaks. There was never everything to everyone.
Aa question that I wanted to be in the lighting in- 
Udustry as a career. I just loved the fashion aspect wHat Has been tHe key to your success?

Nof the industry, and talking with the lighting reps I inherited a strong work ethic and perseverance 
Aand the customers who’d come in. I experienced from my parents. So o en people will tell you 
working in the warehouse, hanging  xtures on the something can’t be done, but you should follow 
 showroom  oor, and even assembling  xtures.
your dreams.
 When I was in high school, my senior project 
DwHat do you know now tHat you wisH 
Ninvolved demonstrating the entire process of 
creating and selling a lighting  xture. My father you knew wHen you first started out? 
Garranged for me to meet manufacturers in New Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. I can’t 
EYork and California, and I chose components from imagine going to work in any other industry. What 

LIgmor Crystal and built a crystal chandelier. I was impresses me is how you can make such a big im- 

just tickled to be able to sell it in our store!
pact in this industry just by ge ing involved with 
All along the way, I was fortunate to have a lot organizations like the American Lighting Associa- 

of nice people helping me in my career. I studied tion. That’s especially exciting for a young person 
Business, Economics, and Art History in college to be able to make a noticeable di erence (and 

and learned dra ing skills from lighting designer make a name for themselves) so quickly; that 

Federico Martinez in Spain.
doesn’t happen in other industries.

wHat are some of tHe cHanges you’ve wHat do you tHink tHe future Holds for 
ligHting retail?

There are so many changes that have occurred in I think that lighting showrooms will continue to 

di erent areas of the industry. For example, the remain an important part of the consumer’s buy- 
advent of China and the Paci c Rim [as manufac- ing process. Brick-and-mortar stores will never 

turing resources]. We’ve also seen the popularity go away, especially with lighting technology be- 
of various mediums, such as resin, over the years.
coming more complicated. Therefore it’s vital to 

Lighting styles also change more frequently. train showroom personnel, using the certi cation 

Years ago, a lighting style might last 15 or 20 years, process o ered by the ALA, so that they can edu- 
but now they are being updated every two years cate our customers and help them make informed 

or so. Today’s younger consumers don’t want decisions. We also have to stay current with the 
to hang onto lighting  xtures to pass onto their
home fashion trends while o ering the best value.

24 enLIGHTenment Magazine | May 2016

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