Page 34 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - May 2016
P. 34

Kristina Christopher

VP/Sales & Marketing, Fanimation

How did you enter tHe ligHting wHat do you know now tHat you wisH 
you knew wHen you first started out?
I happened to be si ing next to an employee of I am sure some would answer this di erently, but 
Ta light bulb company on a  ight and two months I am glad I went in to the industry with a willing- 
Alater, I was working for that same light bulb com- ness to learn — and at a young age. If I knew too 
pany. Fate de nitely played its part in my career much at that point, I may not have entered into 
Uin lighting!
the industry!
wHat are tHe biggest cHanges you’ve wHere you envision yourself or your 
career in tHe next 5 to 10 years?
| The rapid pace that technology is moving at and In  ve years, I will be celebrating my 10th year 
how it can be integrated into products such as with Fanimation. I am fortunate to call this com- 
Aceiling fans. Plus the shi  from incandescent, CFL, pany “home” and to be a part of an unbelievable 
Nand halogen lamp types to LED.

wHat do you tHink Has been tHe key to 
Lyour success?

I was fortunate to have amazing mentors early in 
my career who taught me the critical elements 

of sales, how to be successful at building rela- 
tionships, and the importance of teamwork. The 

relationships that I have established, and the 

people that surround me daily, are the biggest 
contributors to my individual success.

Watching my mentors successfully work their 
way through challenges and obstacles such as 

migrating to a new ERP system or maneuvering 

through bureaucratic layers/red tape within a 
large corporation, showed me that if you truly be- 

lieve in what you are trying to accomplish that you 
can make it happen. I believe in what I am trying 

to achieve personally, but more importantly, I have 

always believed in the companies and products 
that I have represented in my career.

32 enLIGHTenment Magazine | May 2016

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