Page 38 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - May 2016
P. 38

Continued from page 26
Continued from page 30
Ed Sherman
Steve Ricci

Paci c Lighting Agency
Ricci Sales Agency

amass such a wealth of memories and experiences in dedicated to them. Sacri cing time with my family, 

this industry, making me a very lucky man.
investing in building brand awareness, and going 
above and beyond for what we expected would a 

wHat do you envision ligHting sales agency long-term relationship. Reps need to look at a fac- 
of tHe future to be like?
tory’s rep tenure history and determine if they jump 
I have operated a large agency covering the Southeast around before investing too much in a brand. Big 

and have operated a small agency, and I prefer the lat- brands rarely become bigger by  nding another rep; 
ter. I  nd it far more rewarding in personal and monetary smart factories are analytical and strategic in prod- 

satisfaction than big business. I believe the smart show- uct development and aggressively invest to meet 

room operators will survive in the future, along with the market where it is today.
the quality sales representatives and manufacturers/ Reps are forced into 100 home and site visits a 
importers who evolve with the changing market condi- year to ascertain product failures as showrooms E
tions. It is a shame that there are so few young people can’t and factories tighten return policies. We have RI

looking to make a career in this industry, and because of to prove manufacturing defects and resolve issues. A
that, it’s going to take all of the players in this industry to Reps must do this or pay the price of loss of brand 
make sure there is a future for all to continue to evolve allegiance by the dealer. We have a frustrated cus- MI

and survive. I am so thankful for this Legend Award and tomer call to have a factory resolution and the only U
for all the wonderful people who have crossed my path resolve is our investment to  x it in the  eld.
along the way.
wHat Has been tHe key to your success?
Feed your business and it will feed you. Invest in E
people. I knew that if I was going to build a sales 
Continued from page 29
company, it was always going to be more than A
Susan Irie
me. I recognized the value of enthusiastic young L
Kilohana Lighting
talent, invested in them, mentored them, and S,
treated them with respect. This built loyalty and 
our competitors. I also learned that I was always going commitment. Anyone on our team will bleed for me N
to have to live with the uncertainty of the health of vi- because they know I will do the same for them; I E

ability of our business. This is an element of stress that won’t ask them to anything I won’t do myself.
never goes away. I would have embraced the continuous L
evolving much earlier as a learning process. What I wish wHere do you envision your career in tHe 

I knew now is that business owners like myself remain next 5 or 10 years?
relevant and pro table in the market based on integrity, I hope to be here doing what I love and evolving to 

superior knowledge, e cient business processes, and meet and make new opportunities for as long as the 

consistent e orts to educate and innovate.
young men who bust their asses for me allow. They 
are schooled to never give up, strive to be the best, 

wHere do you see you/your business in tHe and continuously improve people, processes, and 
next 5 to 10 years?

Despite the seemingly insurmountable challenges And one more thing — I want to have a single digit 

ahead, I remain very optimistic for our future growth handicap.
in the Paci c on a regional level. Our unique location, 

our consistent investment in technology, and our e orts 
to diversify revenue streams (i.e. design/speci cation 

and technical support services) will keep us closer to 

clients within the building industry along with those so- 
phisticated consumers seeking the latest in technology 

and aesthetic trends. This will help de ne and promote 
Kilohana Lighting’s unique brand.

36 enLIGHTenment Magazine | May 2016

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