Page 66 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - May 2016
P. 66
The bene ts of “small” show venues include more cost-friendly
exhibitor and a endee fees, convenient locations, and e cient
he world of solid-state lighting has magnitude and cost, have a greater emphasis on
been moving so quickly, as greater showcasing the full product range from major
e ciencies are realized, that wait- companies. Smaller manufacturers who specialize
ing once a year for a large trade in more speci c and custom lighting solutions can
show to come around might not
easily be overlooked when exhibiting in a mega-
always be convenient to architects, speci ers, fair. The exhibitors I spoke to at LEDucation have
designers, and retailers who have clients with participated in events such as Lightfair in the past,
time-sensitive projects underway.
but report that these smaller trade shows more
There are other reasons that smaller events – e ectively target the customer base they want to
such as LEDucation in New York City – continue a ract. In many cases, it’s not a ma er of showing
to gain in popularity and one is the manageable a endees how many di erent items they have in
size. The exhibit oor doesn’t span an entire con- their line, but the fact that they exist at all.
vention center; it comfortably lls approximately Could the future of gathering lighting knowledge
two hotel ballrooms. That smaller footprint al- consist of more of these traveling shows in major
lows industry professionals in those cities to pop cities – where even the giants like Osram Sylva-
in during their lunch hour, or for a few hours in nia and Philips have small booths – and a roster
an a ernoon, to handily observe a large array of of timely, CEU-accredited educational sessions is
relevant products and have their questions an- conveniently included? From what exhibitors and
swered quickly.
a endees told me, this is an idea that holds great
The larger trade shows, because of their
appeal and would bene t the industry overall.
64 enLIGHTenment Magazine | May 2016