Page 71 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - May 2016
P. 71

On the Mark

“The question is,’Why do people keep going to storefronts when 

faced with such ease of buying?’ The answer lies in the experience 

they have; the be er the experience, the more folks want to

go there. This is the ignition point of the vendor/showroom 


actions of the marketing and sales departments If a purchase is made, it will be delivered in a few 
were distinct and separate silos.
days right to their home.

With the changes that have been thrust upon The question is, “Why do people keep going 

us, the power that once belonged to the show- to storefronts when faced with such ease of buy- 
rooms and their vendors has shi ed — now all the ing?” The answer lies in the experience they have; 

power sits with the consumer.
the be er the experience, the more folks want to 
Digging a bit deeper, when product and vendor go there. This is the ignition point of the vendor/ 

distribution was controlled by the sellers, consum- showroom partnership.

ers had to buy the product they wanted through 
the showrooms that carried it locally or else  nd a Party of three

an alternate source within driving distance.
When speaking of the vendor-showroom rela- 
Today, if customers aren’t thrilled with the pric- tionship, there is a third party who is integral to 

ing or any part of the experience at their local its success or failure and that is the sales agency/ 

store, they can – and will – make their purchase representative. In many cases, the rep can bring 
in the parking lot of the showroom they just le . the magic sauce required for this recipe to be 

With their digital device still in hand, the item will exceptional. While the role of the sales rep has 
be at their doorstep in a few days.
been dramatically a ected by the tsunami of 

The uni ed goal of both vendors and show- change caused by the digital (r)evolution, these 

rooms today is customer satisfaction. They want road-ready reps continue to play a vital part in 
to provide excellent products and create a satisfy- sustaining and growing the brick-and-mortar chan- 

ing customer experience that the client wants to nel (but their role is also changing).
If a showroom is weak in one area, the astute 

vendor rep may have the expertise to aid the show- 
McDonalD’s vs. aMazon
room in overcoming the challenge. If they don’t have 
The so-called “McDonald’s mentality” is a consum- a certain skill, they can seek assistance from their 

er pa ern which asserts that a customer can drive vendor partner who may have more resources.
up to any business, yell at a box, and then drive 

around and pick up their items. In retail brick and coMMon Goals

mortar, the one-time leader of this process was To produce an ongoing synergistic relationship, 
the former Service Merchandise.
suppliers, showrooms, and reps must have com- 

The 21st Century’s seismic shi  in retail buying mon success strategies — and the reps become 
called the “Amazon Experience” provides the ut- the facilitators of those tactics. Look at it as goal- 

most in convenience for the consumer. From the se ing to build or strengthen this partnership.

comfort of their homes, clients can research prod- A meeting held several times a year as a group 
ucts, read reviews, compare pricing, and learn the can establish and maintain the direction they want 

intimate – and sometimes inaccurate – details of to go and also re-a rms the commitment that 
their preferred online or brick-and-mortar retailer.
each member brings to the party.

May 2016 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 69

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