Page 62 - enLIGHTenment - November 2017
P. 62
The Truth About ETL
Everyone is familiar with
the UL listing, but it’s
not the only reputable
resource available
to certify electrical
products are safe.
myTH #1: cerTIFIcaTIon markS come From a
Over the past 10 ntertek’s ETL Listed Mark is proof that elec-
years, there has trical products, including lighting, have been GovernmenT aGency
been an increase independently tested and meet applicable In North America, there are both Standards Devel-
published safety standards. The mark has its opment Organizations (SDO) and U.S. Department
in the amount
of smaller entre- roots in one of lighting’s pioneers: Thomas Edi-
of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
preneurial and son. In 1896, he created the Lamp Testing Bureau istration (OSHA) NRTLs. It’s important to note that
budget-conscious to test his light bulbs, and in 1904 the company it is common to have a single SDO for each country
lighting companies was renamed Electrical Testing Laboratories as based on product type. Underwriters Laboratories
entering the North Edison moved into testing other inventions. The (UL) functions as both an SDO as well as an NRTL.
American market – name Electrical Testing Laboratories was even- In the U.S., all NRTLs certify products to ANSI/UL
as well as major tually shortened to ETL. Today, the ETL Mark is standards, while in Canada NRTLs certify to CAN/
manufacturers – the fastest-growing safety certi cation in North CSA standards, and in international markets IEC
who have opted America and is featured on millions of products.
standards are primarily used.
for the internation- Despite its rich history and growing recogni- As an OSHA NRTL, Intertek evaluates products
ally accepted and tion, the ETL Mark is o en misunderstood. Some and issues the ETL Mark to those that comply with
recognized ETL manufacturers may mistakenly believe that the the applicable ANSI/UL standard in the U.S. or
label. We asked Carl mark is somehow not as good or valid as other CAN/CSA in Canada. While the mark signi es the
Bloom eld, Global certi cation marks, yet as a Nationally Recognized product’s compliance to government standards, it
Director/Lighting at Testing Laboratory (NRTL), Intertek uses the same does not come from a government agency.
Intertek to provide safety standards as others in the industry. With a
myTH #2: THe eTL ProceSS IS noT aS
more details about history going back more than 120 years, ETL has
the ETL listed mark proven to be a valid option for manufacturers. THorouGH aS oTHerS
and dispel any Let’s address some of the common myths about Accreditation by OSHA is equal — all participating
the ETL Mark.
labs are held to the same requirements and the
60 enLIGHTenment magazine | november 2017