Page 29 - Lighting Magazine November 2018
P. 29
Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon – are therefore exempt from this ruling. Second, not every state has laws taxing internet sales like South Dakota has — but they might soon develop them.
“There is still fall-out from South Dakota v. Wayfair ruling,” notes Michael Weems, VP/Gov- ernment Engagement for the American Lighting Association (ALA). “One of the questions is whether there will be federal legislation so that there’s not a patchwork of [individual] state regu- lations.” Since most states are adjourned for the year, Weems says there is unlikely to be any action
“We are planning for the year ahead, but have to be prepared for the unexpected.”
—Michael Weems, ALA
taken before the start of 2019.
What Weems says we might see in the up-
coming year are bills that tackle areas such as new e ciency standards or that are designed to strengthen the U.S.’s position as a global partner. Naturally, the results of the November Senate and Congressional elections will also have an impact.
New lamp regulations for General Service Lamps (GSL) took place as of January 1, 2018 under Titles 20 and 24 and those GSLs that were not listed previously will most likely be regulated in the future. Another upcoming change involves the verbiage of Title 24 labeling from “T24 compli- ant” to “Title 24, 2016, Part 6.”
In Canada, a harmonization process – on a re- gional and international level – remains underway in establishing lighting product standards as part of the country’s National Standards of Canada. While upcoming regulatory Amendments 15 & 16 do not involve lighting (Amendment 15 covers HVAC equipment, and Amendment 16 covers appliances and industrial equipment), there are ceiling fan air ow regulations proposed for Amendment 15 that may a ect ceiling fan compa- nies at the start of 2020, according to a report from CSA Group to the ALA’s annual Engineering Commi ee.
“We are planning for the year ahead, but have to be prepared for the unexpected,” Weems says. “If you had asked me one year ago to list the pri- orities for the ALA’s annual trip to Washington, D.C., tari s would not have made the top ve.”
LegisLation Update
noveMber 2018 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 27