Page 70 - enLIGHTenment October 2016
P. 70
hidden Gem
“Everything in our catalogs can
be customized for our clients;
the catalogs are just to start the
— Doug Karpman
Each product has an CustoM prograMs are key
Serving multiple channels in a way that doesn’t
unexpected twist, such as Another key component in Renwil’s success is step on any distributor toes is another de ning
the glass band along the the amount of custom programs or private label factor. “We protect all parts of the market,” Karp-
bo om of these concrete
that the company does. While the Renwil name is man states. With the custom programs, the primary
pendants for greater light
incredibly well-known in Canada, in the U.S., the objective is to marry the images, techniques, and
manufacturer is not as well recognized under its sizes that the retailer wants. “We always want it
above right: In the
own name. However, many of the larger home dé- to be top Renwil quality; it has to look be er than
Renwil to-the-trade cor retailers do custom programs with Renwil.
what the competition can do.”
showroom, products are
merchandised according Years ago, private label clients just contracted Remember those 600+ catalogs that the
to theme.
with a manufacturer and more or less purchased company puts out every six months? The execu-
their merchandise without a lot of input. Times have tive team at Renwil considers them to be just a
changed. Most of Renwil’s major retail clients now reference point for customers. “Everything in our
supply their own trend boards for the manufactur- catalogs can be customized for our clients; the
er to follow. “For the independent showrooms, we catalogs are just to start the conversation,” Karp-
act as their trend boards,” Karpman explains. That man remarks.
said, custom orders from small retailers are always And that is the true secret of Renwil: What you
welcome and can be accomplished far more easily see in the copious catalogs are just the tip of the ice-
than one would assume (i.e. no large minimums).
burg as to what you can order for your customers.
68 enLIGHTenment Magazine | OctOber 2016