Page 95 - enLIGHTenment October 2016
P. 95

Victorian Secret

A traditional home in 

The architecture
Toronto receives a of this new build 
features elements 

Modern update to suit from the surrounding 
neighborhood (i.e. 
the triangle window 
its quaint neighborhood.
echoing the roo ine 

across the street).



hat if the perfect location for 
a Contemporary style-loving 

couple with two young sons 
turned out to be on a street 

lined with Victorian homes?

For these married boutique owners, it meant call- 
ing award-winning designer John Tong – who had 

previously worked with the couple on their store 
design – to transform the  xer-upper Victorian 

into something distinctly more modern without 

looking completely out of place.
This was no simple faceli ; it was a down-to- 

the-studs type of reconstruction that took three 
years to accomplish and required tearing up the 

 oors, walls, and basement. The directive given 

to Tong, who heads the multidisciplinary design 
studio +tongtong, was to renovate and build an 

addition onto the traditional Victorian home 
that would expand the area of livable space 

while remaining true to the neighborhood. The 

Toronto-based design  rm also met the additional 
challenge of emphasizing natural materials and 

light. Inspired by rural living and the original build 
date of the home, the industrial materials selected 

by Tong and his team accentuate the re-imagined 

architectural qualities in what was to become an 
unmistakably contemporary space.

Grey and black zinc is used throughout the 
exterior and interior of the home because the de- 

sign team felt the material could e ectively blend 

traditional aspects within a new contemporary 
scheme. Inside the house, a vertical sha  brings 

light from large skylights down three  oors to il- 
luminate the ground  oor while highlighting a zinc 

wall and ceiling above the kitchen. This impressive 

design element happens to be Tong’s favorite in 
the house.
Grey and black tones were used to unify 
“I really embraced the slot between the two traditional and contemporary motifs.
 oors,” he explains. “It turns the second  oor

OctOber 2016 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 93

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