Page 45 - Lighting Magazine October 2018
P. 45

Meredith Heron Design, Toronto, Canada
Before becoming a highly recognized interior designer, Meredith Heron was an elementary school teacher, who decided by the second year
that, “I needed to  nd a new career,” she laughs. “I was just not meant for that job.” Still, she stayed on for  ve years, trying various types of work on the side while deciding what she ultimately wanted to do.
At one point, Heron was arguably the most popu- lar Home Depot paint department employee in Toronto when she took a temporary job there mix- ing paint. She was such a natural that she earned a legion of customers as word of mouth about her talent with colors and blending spread. That experi- ence opened her eyes to her love for working with color. It was serendipity when she found a brochure for an evening class in interior design at a local
businesses. The clients I’ve brought into Bright Light know they are in a special place; it’s not a lighting store where there are countless  xtures all hung one a er the other with tags dangling everywhere. It has a very di erent vibe and is much more ‘shoppable.’ It’s a comfortable, welcoming environment that en- hances clients’ ability to make even be er decisions.”
Viola-Ku ru  encourages other lighting show- rooms to “be an advocate for, and partner with, designers.” O ering continuing education courses that will strengthen their businesses is also a great way to build relationships.
One  nancial incentive Viola-Ku ru  suggests is for showrooms to consider some sort of rebate pro- gram in addition, or as an option, to trade discounts. “It would be a serious incentive to gain designers’ business,” she comments. “A showroom won’t earn designers’ loyalty by giving them the same price as a consumer who walks in their door. Make it a ractive for designers to buy from you both  nancially and because of your service level. Let designers know you will be there for them. Remember, this doesn’t just bene t designers. They will bring in solid, high-quality clients who are willing to invest signi cantly in design projects — and who are going to buy higher-end prod- ucts than typical consumers shopping on their own.”
At le , Meredith Heron is surrounded by her successful rug line. She also has her own wallpaper and fabric collections.
OctOber 2018 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 41
the Designer-showroom BonD

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