Page 14 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 14

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High Point 







he High Point Market Author- Legrand Acquires 
ity (HPMA) is teaming up 

with various design industry
experts and exhibitors for its New 
Solarfective Products Ltd.
Product Premiere program. Focus- 

ing on new products being debuted 
at Fall Market (October 22-26), this L

program will give a endees a sneak egrand, North America has Solarfective’s growth into new markets 
peek of what to expect next month.
acquired Solarfective Products and provide further technological 

This program will include the Ltd., a leader in standard and advancements in commercial shading

well-known Twi er Chat, special custom shading systems for commercial and lighting systems integration.”
Pinterest boards highlighting applications. Solarfective will become The combination of Solarfective’s com-

submi ed images and top picks, a part of Legrand, North America’s Build- mercial o erings — along with Legrand’s 
preview from the 2016 Style Spot- ing Control Systems business.
most recent acquisition of Qmotion Ad- 

ters team, highlights from popular With daylighting now part of the vanced Shading Systems for residential 

online design publications and trend evolving energy codes requiring coordi- markets — will further position Legrand 
forecasting experts, and a special nation of passive sources with arti cial as a single source provider, o ering 

“Exhibitor New Product Picks” lighting, the integration of Solarfective’s customers access to a comprehensive 
section of
shading systems with Legrand’s active portfolio of shading solutions for virtually 

Be sure to follow the o cial lighting control will enable Legrand
any application.

High Point Market Facebook, to coordinate these various lighting “High-performance buildings and 
Twi er, and Instagram accounts to systems, providing architects, designers, energy codes are continually evolving. 

preview some of the products be- speci ers, and facility managers with
This acquisition is about providing our 
ing submi ed for the New Product a broad, strategic range of energy- customers with be er, more integrated 

Premiere program; the Twi er Chat e cient, commercial lighting solutions.
solutions for passive and active lighting 

will include a link to the Pinterest “We are thrilled to be joining control to meet the evolving demands 
boards. The Style Spo ers will also Legrand,” says Anise Odeh, Owner of today’s buildings,” says John Selldor , 

develop a preview article based on and President of Solarfective. “I am President and CEO of Legrand, North 
their top picks.
con dent this partnership will continue

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