Page 20 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 20
In the news
16Annual Goombay Bash
Smashes Fundraising Goal
he annual tropical-themed H Foundation, and was presented by
gathering, which includes lighting Cadillac of Naperville.
and home décor professionals,
Special guests for the evening
raised $638,705 to bene t Basic included Dan Hampton, Jay Hilgenberg,
Science Cancer Research at the Robert and Steve McMichael of the 1985
H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center Chicago Bears Super Bowl team,
of Northwestern University in Illinois. George Wendt, (aka Norm from Cheers),
This year’s amount is approximately and Ryan Baker, CBS2 sports anchor as
$36,000 higher than the 15th Annual celebrity emcee.
Goombay Bash.
Among the prizes that were auctioned
Held on July 16 at the Navy Pier in o were: an exclusive Presidential
Chicago, more than 1,000 people – Inauguration package for 2; Saturday Jimmy Papadopoulos In-Home Dining
many of them from the lighting industry Night Live dress rehearsal and trip to Experience for 12 diners; and a Movie
– gathered together for a good cause. NYC for 2; 1985 Super Bowl Bears Premiere Celebrity Experience trip to
The Goombay Bash was hosted by its Chicago 6 Band Block Party for 100 Los Angeles for 2, among other spec-
founder, Hortons Home Lighting, the
guests; Chef of the Year Award Winner
tacular opportunities.
Insolroll & Lutron Form Alliance to
Control Patio Shades
ouisville, Colo.-based Insolroll Win- shading and insect protection with
“Our alliance with Lutron
dow Shading Systems is launching full function Lutron control,” says Rick
lls a void in the market
its Oasis® patio shades driven by
Pease of Insolroll. “This technical alli-
Coopersburg, Pa.-based Lutron, bringing ance puts Lutron patented motor drives for projects desiring
best-in-class motorized patio shades to inside Oasis Patio Shade and Retract- patio shading and insect
the luxury home market.
able Insect Screen products. The shades
protection with full
These high-end patio shades bring can be seamlessly controlled through
advanced control to outdoor spaces by a Lutron system or individually via the function Lutron control.”
controlling heat, UV rays, and glare as Lutron Pico® wireless remote.
well as eliminating pesky insects and Outdoor living spaces are trending —Rick Pease of Insolroll
providing protection from wayward golf with spectacular outdoor kitchens,
dining areas, and media spaces as key the past three decades, as a result of
Insolroll will be introducing the line at components of residential construction weather conditions and insect infesta-
the CEDIA Expo in Dallas this month.
projects. Providing comfort and sun tions. The new Oasis product can either
“Our alliance with Lutron lls a void control, the company’s patio shade be retro ed or built directly into the
in the market for projects desiring patio
category has grown signi cantly over
structure during new construction.
18 enLIGHTenment Magazine | SepteMber 2016