Page 79 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 79

International award- 

winning visual artist 

Liz West – renowned 

for creating vivid 

environments that

mix luminous color 

and radiant light – has 

two major exhibitions 

running in England 

through November.* 

Lighting designer Mike 

Brannon sits down 

with the cu ing edge 

artist to discuss her 

in uences.


.K.-native and resident Liz West 
works across a variety of medi- 

ums to provoke a heightened 

sensory awareness in the viewer 
through her works. She is inter-

ested in exploring how sensory phenomena can 
invoke psychological and physical responses that 

tap into one’s own relationship to color. Typically 

West explores the relationship between color 
and light by using architectural spaces with light 

radiating outside of its expected boundaries. She 
playfully refracts light by using translucent, trans- 

parent, or re ective materials to direct the  ow of M
arti cial and natural light. West lives and works in MUS
Manchester, England and earned a BA in Fine Art: A 
Sculpture and Environmental Art from Glasgow ME
School of Art.
The artist, Liz West, NA
lies beneath one of her Mike Brannon: When did you  rst realize that  © 
lighting was going to be important in your life? LES
installations called N I
An Addictive Mix.
Liz West: Light has always been a pivotal element HE
within my life. Most of my earliest memories as

SepteMber 2016 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 77

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