Page 12 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2017
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High Point Market Authority
Announces New Buyer Tour
he High Point Market Authority Market or who haven’t been within the “It surpassed my
(HPMA) has partnered with So past few markets. The program includes
Design Lab once more for the
four-star accommodations, private expectations by
production of a new buyer tour for Fall luncheons and dinners, a multitude
a mile; I’ll be on a
Market (October 14-18). Developed with of showroom presentations, a daily
the intent of bringing new buyers to educational schedule, and a plethora of ‘High Point high’
Market, the tour will include a multi-day social and networking events.
schedule of showroom visits, education- Elizabeth MacPhail of Liz MacPhail for days!”
al events, and networking opportunities Interiors, who joined the tour at Spring
designed to provide participants with
Market, noted, “What a whirlwind... I’m
—Mary Crane, Mary Crane Interiors
a multi-faceted, comprehensive view inspired and challenged to think about
of the millions of square footage that is my business di erently, full of new
High Point Market.
and diverse resources and armed with
Returning for its sixth Market, the connections with other women in the
“VIP #HPMKT Experience” is produced business to help challenge and encour- So Design Lab will take place October
and hosted by industry experts Deb Bar- age each other.”
13-18. Additional information and
re and Jackie Von Tobel of So Design Mary Crane of Mary Crane Interiors, registration details can be found at
Lab, an online base camp and creative who was also part of the Spring 2017 h p://
community dedicated to providing tour, added, “It surpassed my expecta- your-trip/market-tours. Follow the tour’s
advanced education on so furnishings tions by a mile; I’ll be on a ‘High Point experience during Market through the
design and business. The 6-day, 5-night high’ for days!”
So Design Lab’s social media and via
tour is geared toward those new to
The VIP #HPMKT Experience with
the “#hpmktVIPtour” hashtag.
10 enLIGHTenment magazine | september 2017