Page 31 - Lighting Magazine September 2018
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lter as the business strives for perfection. David spearheaded the growth of a second location and increased the hours to be available early for the trade and evenings and weekends for the public.
Art’s commitment to giving back to the com- munity is mirrored in David. Both have held leadership roles in organizations such as Middle- sex County Community Foundation, Northern Middlesex County YMCA, Middlesex Memorial Hospital, and Rushford Substance Abuse Centers. Their generosity in donating both time and money made me a proud member of the Connecticut Lighting Centers team.
EntEr GEnEration 3
David and his wife, Carol, have three children – Todd, Jenna, and Bre – who are all an integral part of the company. They say history may not always repeat but it sure does rhyme, and the Directors have a great legacy to echo. Each of the children brings a set of skills that will build the company as it moves into the third generation.
In May 2018, Connecticut Lighting Centers had a Grand Opening of its new branch in Southington, Conn., just down the road from its former location. This new store is truly an experience center of products and applications. I sat down with Todd before the event to learn more about the new showroom and his plans for the future.
Mark okun: WhEn did you knoW you WantEd to bE in thE faMily businEss?
Todd Director: It was 2005 between high school and college. I worked for the summer in a variety of positions and decided this is where I want to be.
Mo: rEGardinG thE nEWEst shoWrooM, Why did you sElEct this location?
TD: We have easy access to the highway and our neighbors are a furniture and appliance store; that makes this a prime destination. It’s a central location that draws from a very large radius. We feel that the most optimal lighting store is an open space, and we have that here.
Mo: What is your MErchandisinG stratEGy?
TD: The concept is to see everything with no walls or obstructions, while having enough space to segregate product categories without crowding them. With the increased use of LED products, we felt that it was important for the customer – both the homeowner and tradesperson – to have real examples of application and installation.
This is a large space sectioned with display is- lands and vigne es. There is a working light lab for the client to experience the lighting and see how it is installed. Plus, the lab has an area for controls and window shades.
David Director (far le ) with his children Bre , Jenna, and Todd.
“The scale
of the showroom, and the way it is designed, seems to make people think we have more on display.”
—Todd Director
SepteMber 2018 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 29