Page 66 - Lighting Magazine September 2018
P. 66

Market Merger
“Our audience and market share have
expanded signi cantly since the  rst e ort, as we have added strategic partnerships with complementary
shows such as Design & Construction Week (D&CW), Surfaces West, and ASD to our evolving Market/Week umbrella concept.”
as well as the recent LIGHTFAIR in Chicago are top priorities in determining how IMC creates optimum value for temporary and permanent ex- hibitors — and ultimately buyers.
Where illumination in all forms and uses is concerned, Maricich cited lighting as a “growth category for us in the Las Vegas, High Point, and Atlanta Markets with 64 lighting resources already in Las Vegas, nearly 100 lighting resources in High Point, and 166 lighting companies in Atlanta.” Maricich feels these numbers re ect lighting manufacturers’ focus today on identifying new channels and geographic distribution, “so we are de nitely exploring numerous ways to implement servicing these expanded category needs.”
Along similar research development planning, IMC is investigating all aspects of the unique LIGHTFAIR community buyer base and where its unique potential opportunities are in order “to grow and extend a highly successful, existing three-decade brand.”
While every category in IMC’s markets is impor- tant, Maricich said few are as integral throughout all of their merged venues as lighting in some form. His overview remains ever-aware of how lighting’s distribution channels, customer base, and individ- ual focus are distinct to each of its geographical/ trend/price priorities.
IMC and AmericasMart are currently conduct- ing joint research to determine customer needs in all of the categories these markets represent – especially lighting – with the goal of developing integrative strategies based on these extensive research results. Similar surveys and category
research have emphasized the signi cance of light- ing showrooms to consumers nationwide when it comes to  nding unique designs, styles, and quality.
Portable lamps and lighting  xtures are well- represented in the Las Vegas and High Point Markets by major companies such as Currey & Co., Arteriors, Visual Comfort, Hudson Valley, and Fine Art Lamps. Maricich believes tenants have these permanent showrooms because they have proven to be cost-e ective, e cient, and work- able venues for reaching interior designers as well as furniture and home décor buyers in North America and abroad.
High Point Market is more than 100 years old and comprised of several dozen buildings as well as recently completed showroom construction (i.e. Christopher Guy) with more anticipated in the future. AmericasMart has been in existence for 60 years and has three multi-story, connected build- ings. Meanwhile the Las Vegas Market has three multi-story, connected buildings that are less than 12 years old and will soon be adding an adjacent fourth building with more than 300,000 square feet of expo space.
In recent years, Las Vegas Market’s ownership has increasingly emphasized its growing commit- ment to lighting manufacturers interested in leasing permanent showrooms while simultaneously en- couraging those who once operated showrooms there to return.
“Our audience and market share have expanded signi cantly since the  rst e ort, as we have added strategic partnerships with complementary shows such as Design & Construction Week (D&CW), Surfaces West, and ASD to our evolving Market/ Week umbrella concept,” Maricich explained.
Through all stages of the IMC-AmericasMart merger ( nalized in July 2018) and the subsequent  nalization of ADAC in Atlanta, plus the recent an- nouncement of the continued LIGHTFAIR show management as well as one-third ownership status, Maricich noted, “This has all been focused on sur- veys that conclusively show that customers want fewer [shows] and more category-comprehensive, convenient shows that address their shopping and sourcing needs. This is the underlying emphasis that IMC has established as its reason for o ering diverse shows between sellers and buyers.”
The Fall High Point Market will be held next month, October 13-17. 
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