Page 12 - Lighting Magazine September 2019
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enLIGHTenment Always Up-To-Date & OnlinenenLIGHTenmentmag.comnACE H. ROSENSTEINnGroup PublishernLINDA LONGOnEditorial Directornlinda@bravobusinessmedia.comnMARY JO MARTINnFeature Writernmaryjo@bravobusinessmedia.comnMARK OKUNnBusiness Contributornmark@bravobusinessmedia.comnDAVID SHILLERnTechnical Contributorndavid@bravobusinessmedia.comnContributing WritersnCindy Foster Warthen, Mike Brannon, Marilyn Nason, Stef SchwalbnSIMONE TIEBERnCreative Directornsimone@estudio-5.comnJASON LOWSYnProduction Managernjason@estudio-5.comnLILLIAN ANDERSONnPublication Coordinatornlillian@bravobusinessmedia.comnED KOEHLERnAdvertising Sales Directornekoehler@bravobusinessmedia.comnDEBBIE SCHWARTZnAdvertising Salesndebbie@bravobusinessmedia.comnALLISON SANKAnSales/Marketing Operationsnallison@bravobusinessmedia.comnEDWARD FREBOWITZnDigital Editorned@bravobusinessmedia.comnAMY CHAPLINnWeb Designernamy@bravobusinessmedia.comnNICOLETTE BRYCKInOn-Camera Market HostnenLIGHTenment Magazinenis a publication of Bravo Business Media 620 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 440 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 800.774.9861n| Editor’snotenMeet My Industry CrushesnAlmost immediately a er I entered this industry, I realized that what makes Lighting so di erent from other catego- ries in the build environment is the amount of mavericksnand trailblazers we have among us.nI have met some truly remarkable people over the past 25+nyears in every area of our business – manufacturers, reps, and re- tailers – male and female, young and not-so-young. Some of them – such as the legendary Burt Burton of Casablanca Fans – are no longer with us, but many still are. These are the people I can sitnand listen to for hours, not wanting to leave because I always learn so much.nI have nicknamed them my “industry crushes.” There are no implied romantic overtones here, just a wide-eyed infatuation for those who think di erently, provide a unique per-nspective, have a thirst for knowledge, and who have become successful as a result.nI’ve also observed other common denominators among my crushes: they never see a dead end, only a wall to break through; they prefer spending non-working hours with a passion project or hobby; and they are patient in sticking with their goals, even when thenroad gets rocky.nIn this issue, you will recognize these traits in the people pro led as well as among ourncontent contributors such as lighting industry entrepreneur Steve Parker, award-winning lighting designer Mike Brannon, retail business consultant Mark Okun, and feature writer Mary Jo Martin.nIn addition, I’d like to announce that we’re expanding our expertise by bringing industry veteran David Shiller, founder of the consultancy group Lighting Solution Development, on board to keep you up to date with emerging technology.nOur goal for 2019 is to continue to provide you with the helpful tools and lighting knowl- edge you need to excel in your market. I’m always on the look out for my next “crush” — so if you know of someone in the industry who meets the criteria I’ve described, please tell me so I can share their story with everyone!nenLIGHTenment | | nOUTDOOR IS IN SOLAR LIGHTING SURPRISEnWINTER MARKETnPREVIEWSnSubscribe to the digital version of our magazine ( and stay connected to breaking news as well as experience handy access to trend and style information when you are on the go via your laptop, smartphone, or tablet.n.n10 enLIGHTenment MagazIne | January 2019n .n