Page 14 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
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From le  to right:

Rick Wiedemer, 
Barry Troy, Marc 
Troy, Karyn Hayes, 

Jess Wiedemer, and 
Eric Wiedemer

Hinkley Lighting Lauds 
THe FollowinG aGencies 

were recoGnizeD:
Outstanding Reps
✶ RepresentativesoftheYear— 

Barry & Marc Troy of Metrolight 

Eastern Region Rep of the Year — D
✶ uring its National Sales Meet- Hinkley’s Rookie of the Year award 
David Phillips of Lighting Concepts
ing at Lightovation in Dallas, late in his career due to all of the new 

✶ Western Region Rep of the Year — Hinkley Lighting recognized 8
accounts he brought in, proving the 

Bill Nelson of The Lighting Agency sales agencies for sales performance, award is more about generating new 
innovative idea contributions, and business than  rst-year experience.

✶ Making it Happen Award — overall customer service.
Hinkley also launched the new 
“Investments such as our state- “Making It Happen” award to recog- 
Kristi & Harold Barlow of The 
Lighting Agency
of-the-art distribution facility and nize an agency or individual who has 

✶ David Stark Rookie of the Year expanding employee roster position gone above and beyond day-to-day 
us to set increasingly aggressive sales responsibilities to facilitate a posi- 
Award — Adam Barri of 303 
goals each year,” says Tom Dicks, Di- tive impact on business or customer 
rector/Sales at Hinkley. “The agencies relations.
Landscape Representative of the 
✶ and sales representatives who help The National Sales Meeting also 
Year — Walker & Willis
us achieve these goals will always be included a guest speaker, a strategic 
recognized for their hard work and enablement manager at Google who 
service awarDs:
extraordinary performance.”
delivered Google’s “Micro-Moments” 
In tribute to David Stark, a light-
presentation about intent-driven 
✶ 5 Years of Service — Vince Hall of 
ing industry veteran and long-time moments of decision-making that Vince Hall & Associates

Hinkley sales representative who happen during the consumer’s ✶
30 Years of Service — Steve Baker 
passed away in July, the manufacturer journey. He related examples
& Alan Hu man of North & South 
created the “David Stark Rookie of from the lighting industry into the Lighting
the Year” award. Stark himself won

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