Page 16 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
P. 16

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maiN: The Makers Building in Spring eld, Ohio 

iNsEt: One of the custom lighting  xtures by
Doug Frates Glass.

The husband-and-wife teams behind Doug 
Frates Glass and Velorossa Design take a break 
outside of the Makers Building, where both 

factories now reside.

Doug Frates Glass 

Expands Operations

“Big things are happening in The addition of four new annealing synergy that exists between Velorossa’s 

li le Spring eld, Ohio,” say ovens will allow for the production of wide range of hand-produced lighting 

the husband-and-wife team
large, custom pieces that o en take hardware — which o en incorporates 
of Doug and Heidi Frates who are considerably more time to produce.
found objects — and the handblown 

expanding their business to meet The new location — dubbed The Makers art glass from the Frates. The two 
customer demand. Doug Frates Glass Building — will also serve as an incubator companies have collaborated before 

began in a 3,000-sq.- . building in for other artists and their businesses. on lighting  xtures, but now their close 

downtown Spring eld that the couple The 16,000-sq.- . building, located at proximity will allow both manufacturers 
rented back in 2002. Over the past 402 East Street, is expected to provide to be more nimble and e cient in 

15 years they grew their custom art room for up to four additional artists, all delivering custom lighting solutions to 
glass business, adding equipment and of whom have national representation.
commercial and residential clients.

personnel while broadening the line.
One of these neighboring  rms is “What sets us apart [from competing 

The easy path would have been to Velorossa Design, a Portland-based glass blowers] is our pa erning and
simply rent a larger studio, but these two custom manufacturer of lighting  xtures use of color,” explains Doug Frates. 

Armed Forces veterans thought bigger, owned by Mandie and Nate Fleming, “Everything we do is custom and unique. 
buying a 100-year-old building that who have worked with Doug Frates The new studio will not only provide 

formerly housed a metal fabrication shop.
Glass for several years. Limitations on more space, but more equipment and

This new location quadruples the space plus the high cost of living led a vastly improved work  ow which will 
space for their glass studio, making it the Flemings to recently relocate their provide for innovation, creativity, and 

the largest independently owned glass operations to Spring eld. An added the exploration of new avenues in glass 
studio in the Eastern United States.
bene t for both companies is the
design and production.”

14 enLIGHTenment Magazine | april 2017

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