Page 18 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
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Wesley Glover
lamp designer
Lutron Names
Wesley D.
Glover, age 68,
passed away on February 22
Lighting Design Center
a er su ering a stroke.
a 5-Star Showroom of the Year
A second-generation light-
ing industry veteran, Wesley
studied Fine Art in college and
worked as a lamp designer for
his father, Walter E. Glover, who
he Lighting Design Center, was President of the lighting
a wholly owned subsidiary manufacturer Keystone Lamp.
of NJ-based Warshauer
Wesley’s brother, Brian, served
Electric Supply, was awarded as National Sales Manager of
Lutron’s 5-Star Showroom
the family-owned company.
of the Year Award. Dana A er leaving Keystone,
Guzzo and Rosemary Johnson Wesley joined Murray Feiss
accepted the award on behalf Lighting as the head portable
of The Lighting Design Center lighting designer in 1996 and
at a ceremony held during was the driving force behind the
Lightovation in Dallas.
manufacturer’s successful Home
Decor Division. A student of art Lutron’s Showroom of
From le to right: Dana Guzzo of The Lighting
and design, as well as the history the Year Award recognizes
of design, Wesley preferred the showrooms that engage their Design Center, David Weinstein of Lutron, Rosemary
Johnson of The Lighting Design Center, and Erik
old school method of drawing customers and provide them
Anderson of Lutron.
each of his designs by hand with an immersive experience to
before transferring them to the see and feel Lutron’s products.
shade variation.”
modern CAD system. Lighting The Lighting Design Center joins an “We are truly honored to be named
was his passion and he spent elite group of 48 winners who have the best Lutron 5-Star showroom in
countless hours seeking out and received this honor since the pro- the country, as it reinforces our full
developing new materials, glass, gram’s inception.
commitment to Lutron as a brand,”
and specialty nishes to incorpo- “The Lighting Design Center said Jim Dunn, Executive Vice Presi-
rate into his designs.
showroom is steadfastly commi ed
dent of The Lighting Design Center.
Wesley le Feiss in 2011 to providing their customers with an “It’s essential that we showcase
when a change in management up-to-date Lutron experience,” noted Lutron’s latest products and technolo-
led to a de-emphasization of a Lutron spokesperson. “Their latest gies in a user-friendly environment.
the Home Decor division and [2016] update helps them promote We are constantly updating our
portable lamps. Since then, and merchandise Lutron’s full line of showroom, and it’s rewarding to have
Wesley had successfully ba led shading solutions, including dual roller our e orts recognized by awards such
throat cancer and had recently shades, blackouts, Triathlon, pleated, as this one.”
begun designing again. He will venetians, draperies, and romans. All The Lighting Design Center has
be missed by his family, friends, shades are controlled either by Caséta been a Lutron 5-Star Showroom since
and former colleagues.
Wireless or Radio Ra2, enabling cus- 2012, and won for Best Caséta Display
tomers to fully experience almost any
in 2015.
16 enLIGHTenment Magazine | april 2017