Page 78 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - April 2017
P. 78

strategies in light rEport



Do You 


Cities To 


Susanne Seitinger, PhD, Global Sub-Segment Manager/Smarter 

Cities at Philips Lighting detailed the results of a European 

survey asking consumers what they want from a “smart” city.

recent study by the Economist Intel- of view. Digital technology will be transforming 

ligence Unit (EIU) – the research and urban areas in the years ahead — and telecommu- 

analysis division of The Economist nications is only the start of it.
Group, which includes The Econo- For example, through technology it will be pos- 

mist magazine – and supported by
sible for citizens to provide and receive real-time 
Philips Lighting, examined 12 diverse cities from all feedback on city services such as transportation 

over the globe that include both old cities (where and tra c updates (i.e. Google maps suggesting 

technology must work with infrastructure that is alternate routes), improved emergency services, 
hundreds of years old) to new cities in emerg- the reduction of noise and sound pollution, and 

ing markets to gain a broad perspective of what practical applications such as reporting pot holes 
consumers would like to control in their town via or a street lighting being out. Lighting manufac- 

“smart” technology.
turers have already experimented with “acoustic 

“There are a lot of pressures on the urban envi- monitoring,” whereby a device incorporated into 
ronment, such as tra c congestion,” said Susanne the street light can record sound levels, le ing city 

Seitinger. The survey examined the perspectives planners know the busiest – and loudest – times of 
of both the consumer as well as the business point
day, which could then in uence tra c planning or

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