Page 14 - Lighting Magazine - August 2013
P. 14
in the News
The winning lighting
transformation of
The Palm Room at Lighting
Chicagos Garfeld
Park Conservatory.
Web Site
orthbrook, Ill.-based Con-
Tech Lighting has unveiled
N its new Web site. Developed
with the end-user in mind, the new
site was designed with the latest
technology, eliminating the need for
AdobeĀ® Flash to view photos.
The new Web site aims to assist
in the specifcation process, making
it easier to navigate and share with
others. The site features product
Easy navigation
Xicato Sponsors Guerrilla is important on
Lighting Contest any Web site.
orking with Sharon Stammers from the International Association of Light- information on individual pages to
and Martin Lupton of Light ing Designers (IALD) chose the winning help customers quickly determine
WCollective, San Jose, Calif.- team based on several aspects, some of whether the item will work for their
based Xicato sponsored and developed which included creative concept, concept current needs.
a guerrilla-style Architectural Lighting implementation, technical expertise, and Easy navigation is important on
Improv Event at Chicagos Garfeld Park sensitivity to the site. The lighting design- any Web site, especially a product-
Conservatory in association with the IALD ers had access to over 100 points of light oriented site such as ours. With our
Midwest. Approximately 70 people from that included Xicato fashlights and Xicato new product organization, visitors
the Chicago lighting and architecture com- LED modules with AA batery packs. are able to navigate through our
munities were in atendance as two teams We were thrilled to sponsor this complete range of lighting solutions
of emerging professional lighting designers unique event with Xicato and be able with ease, says Mike Lehman, LC,
leveraged their knowledge on-the-spot to to put high-quality light sources in the MIES, LEED AP ID+C, and VP/
visually transform their environments with hands of emerging designers and free Marketing & Product Management
LED light supplied by Xicato. them to demonstrate their craf, says at ConTech Lighting.
With the location disclosed only 24 Jennifer Curtis, IALD Midwest Chapter The company is ofering other
hours before the event, the lighting design- Coordinator. The lighting transformations ways to stay in touch with custom-
ers divided into two teams frst toured realized by the designers demonstrated ers, such as through a monthly
the location and chose a space to trans- the potential for quality light to dramati- eNewsleter plus the addition of
form. The teams had only 90 minutes to cally change the perception of a space or catalogs, brochures, Lighting Award
re-work the dark, under- or unlit areas into potentially re-invigorate blighted buildings winners and their projects, and
beautifully lit spaces. A panel of judges and areas. market-specifc application photos.
12 enLIGHTenment Magazine | august 2013