Page 36 - Lighting Magazine - August 2013
P. 36
Blown AwAy
In March, the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) released a 100-page Rulemaking
Framework Document in which the DOE is 13. exhale FanS
evaluating potential new energy-efciency ยบ
requirements for ceiling fans and ceiling fan The Exhale blade-less ceiling fan uses the science of laminar fow to create 360
air circulation. The fans 34-inch diameter, high-efciency DC motor generates
light kits. CFM (cubic feet per minute) of 3,186 or 91 CFM/wat. The cyclonic air fow is
The DOE document identifes 75 issues caused by the spinning discs inside the housing and reportedly provides a com-
and all of them could have signifcant fortable, quiet atmosphere rather than directing air fow straight down. It is ofered
impact on ceiling fan manufacturers, reps, in Cool White (shown), Ivory, Gray, Charcoal, Pink, Lavender, Red, and Light Blue.
lighting showrooms, and consumers. To The inventor Nickolas Hiner and company co-founder Richard Halsall are manu-
prepare a unifed industry response to facturing the fans in Indiana.
the Framework Document, the American
Lighting Association (ALA) organized
an industry workshop with ceiling fan
manufacturers as well as partnered with
Home Depot and Lowes. Im very pleased 14. Monte
that they [Home Depot & Lowes] are
partnering with us because they sell a large 14 carlo FanS
percent of all ceiling fans and their voice The smaller Discus II
and clout will be very helpful as we work 44-inch fan is the latest
through this challenge, noted Dick Upton, addition to the popular
CEO and President of the ALA. series. Seen here in a
Afer hundreds of hours by many ALA laundry room applica-
members and the ALA staf, a unifed tion, it has a Minimalist,
industry response was submited, ad- contemporary design
dressing each of the 75 issues. Additionally, that can be specifed in
a consumer survey was conducted by a either a Brushed Steel
professional polling frm to gain input and fnish with Silver blades
(shown); Roman Bronze
add solid data to the industrys response. fnish with Roman Bronze
Upton estimates that batling the DOE blades; Polished Nickel
challenge will take another 12 to 18 months. fnish with American
The ALA has retained a WDC consultant/ Walnut blades; Mate
lobbyist to help the industry work more Black fnish with Mate
efectively with DOE as the potential for Black blades; or a White
expensive additional mandates could fnish with White blades.
become very damaging to ceiling fan Outfted with an inte-
manufacturers, retailers, and consumers grated halogen down-
who rely on ceiling fans to reduce their light, the Discus II also
AC usage. has an optional remote.
34 enLIGHTenment Magazine | august 2013