Page 4 - Lighting Magazine - August 2013
P. 4
August 2013 Vol. 3, Issue 8
31 U.S. RepReSentativeS
Fight againSt Ceiling
Fan RegUlation
34 ala, ManUFaCtUReRS
& hoMe CenteRS Unite
to Fight Doe Ceiling
Fan ChallengeS
38 WhatS Up in
Ceiling FanS?
Tom and Nathan Frampton
of Fanimation answer the top
technical questions.
40 Ceiling FanS
CoMe oF age
70 42 the Changing Role
Jef Dross of Kichler explains
why ceiling fans have become
more fashionable and popular.
oF lighting RepS
Industry veterans reveal how
their operations plus customers
and factories expectations
have changed.
50 10 qUiCk & eaSy
Ideas to help retailers develop
deeper customer relationships
and stay top of mind.
features 62 hoW big iS SMall?
Scaled-down lamps and lighting
fxtures are gaining in popularity
all over North America.
70 FlUoReSCent &
28 bloWn aWay FabUloUS
A round-up of the newest A Cooper Lighting SOURCE
fashion-forward and energy- Award-winning ofce project
efcient ceiling fans on the proves that fuorescent lighting
market. can still be cuting edge.
2 enLIGHTenment MAgAzIne | August 2013
August 2013 Vol. 3, Issue 8
31 U.S. RepReSentativeS
Fight againSt Ceiling
Fan RegUlation
34 ala, ManUFaCtUReRS
& hoMe CenteRS Unite
to Fight Doe Ceiling
Fan ChallengeS
38 WhatS Up in
Ceiling FanS?
Tom and Nathan Frampton
of Fanimation answer the top
technical questions.
40 Ceiling FanS
CoMe oF age
70 42 the Changing Role
Jef Dross of Kichler explains
why ceiling fans have become
more fashionable and popular.
oF lighting RepS
Industry veterans reveal how
their operations plus customers
and factories expectations
have changed.
50 10 qUiCk & eaSy
Ideas to help retailers develop
deeper customer relationships
and stay top of mind.
features 62 hoW big iS SMall?
Scaled-down lamps and lighting
fxtures are gaining in popularity
all over North America.
70 FlUoReSCent &
28 bloWn aWay FabUloUS
A round-up of the newest A Cooper Lighting SOURCE
fashion-forward and energy- Award-winning ofce project
efcient ceiling fans on the proves that fuorescent lighting
market. can still be cuting edge.
2 enLIGHTenment MAgAzIne | August 2013