Page 76 - Lighting Magazine - August 2013
P. 76

Fluorescent & Fabulous

Providing illumination in
the library are Corelites
Cove Solo T5 indirect
fxtures concealed above
the bookshelves and
Neo-Ray Straight and
Narrow fxtures in the
wood ceiling. When less
light is desired, the integral
HIR MR16 lamps illuminate
task surfaces and can be
dimmed separate from the
fuorescent system.

Since the computer use, the Neo-Ray Straight and Narrow square foot, and controls are simple with zone
Since the open ofce area is primarily for
The overall power density is 0.88 wats per
client is pendant-mount fxtures were selected with T5 controls via contactors in open ofces and simple
sensitive to lamps and spacing to provide 20 footcandles on scene control dimming systems in meeting rooms
and executive ofces.
the desks. The slim pendants also create an inter-
bright light, esting transition between the drywall and acoustic category in the 36 annual SOURCE Awards from
The Cole Capital project won the Commercial
the chosen fed for the thick ceilings and trimless details, while Cooper Lighting; winners were announced during a
Neo-Ray and RSA standard fxtures were modi-
special ceremony during Lightfair in May.
fxtures IRiS square compact fuorescent downlights
needed to performed well with a minimal four-inch ceiling
opening and fangeless trim. Corelite and Fail-Safe
have quality fxtures were used in concealed indirect and task PROJECT: Cole Capital ofce
applications all completed on a quick construc-
LOCATION: Phoenix, Arizona
glare control tion schedule. LIGHTING DESIGN: Creative Designs in
The construction team was able to pull every-
while still thing together, allowing the lighting to integrate Lighting with Mark Mueller LC; Nikki Holt LC;
and Walter Spitz
providing seamlessly with the interiors. To that end, small ap- PROJECT AT-A-GLANCE SIZE OF PROJECT: 120,000 square feet
ertures and clean lines aligned with the architects
adequate vision. Since the client is sensitive to bright light, POWER DENSITY: 0.88 wats per square foot
the chosen fxtures needed to have quality glare
task light. control while still providing adequate task light. LIGHTING PRODUCTS USED: Corelite,
Neo-Ray, Fail-Safe, IRiS, Metalux, Halo, RSA,
Since the budget would not allow for daylight har- and Sure-Lites (all from Cooper Lighting)
vesting, the light levels that the Creative Designs
in Lighting team selected was based upon the spe- PHOTOGRAPHER CREDIT: © Nick Merrick/
cifc tasks occurring in each area. Hedrich Blessing (Gensler)

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