Page 74 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 74

New eNergy for the New Year

“Don’t have any family 
the Fire element, which is a good balance to all of 
that Water energy,” she says.
photos in the bathroom, 

FOR THE HOME OFFICE, have your back to a 
as it drains their energy.”
wall and face the entryway into your o ce. “This 
is a command position,” Rector says. The phone 

should be on the right side of your desk, where the 

BATHROOMS are considered to be – literally “helpful people” energy is.
and  guratively – an energy drain. “Don’t have any 

family photos in the bathroom, as it drains their IN THE GARAGE, have everything organized, 
energy,” Rector cautions. How the lighting is posi- clu er-free, and keep all chemicals safe and se- 

tioned also ma ers. With vanity lights (and other cure. “Hang posters and pictures to make it a fun 

 xtures), choose styles where the light is facing place to be, not just a plain utilitarian garage,” Rec- 
upward rather than downward; “This li s the Chi,” tor comments, adding, “Keep sharp objects out of 

she says. Placing a plant in the bathroom will also sight.”
help absorb the Chi so that it isn’t drained away. 

“For bathrooms with no natural light, the plant FOR LIGHTING, employ upward-facing lighting 

could be made of silk or could be lucky bamboo, in hallways and stairs to li  the energy. Try to have 
which  ourishes without a lot of light,” remarks as much natural light as possible; dark areas lower 

Rector, who suggests leaving the toilet seat down the energy. “Crystal chandeliers can li  the energy 
to prevent the energy from draining in the room. in a space; I suggest hanging a crystal  xture above 

“You can have candles in the bathroom to bring in
a staircase,” Rector advises. 

72 enLIGHTenment Magazine | DeceMber 2016

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