Page 76 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 76

On the Mark




With so many companies to see at Lightovation 

and a limited amount of time to do so, forming a 

plan ahead of time is good business. BY MARK OKUN


s we near the end of 2016, facets nothing else. A basic plan will keep you on track, 

of the way we do business have focused on your budget and the number of items 
been forever changed. In the same that need to be replenished, plus leaves room for 

way, the way we consume music new items for display. A primary plan also includes 

and movies as well as interact with discovering the best partner programs you can 
our clients and vendors (and vice versa) is not as incorporate into a win/win for all the stakeholders.

it once was.
This has impacted the way we go to market, too. have a Schedule

The outcomes we get from shopping at the market — While this topic may appear to some as a “no 

whether it is the product we buy or the people we kidding” title, time at market  ies by rapidly. It is 
connect with — impact the next 6 to 18 months of as if there are only 30 minutes in an hour and so 

our business lives.
much has to get done. Set appointments and hold 
Let’s focus on several points that can increase to them. Taking a so  approach to the time that 

your market productivity.
is only available twice a year is damaging to any 

e orts of being e cient.
Go with a Plan
That said, allow some free time slots in your 

Creating and using a plan when going to market schedule. Use this time when you need to make 
is the most basic tool you have, even if you do
adjustments such as when a great opportunity

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