Page 77 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 77

On the Mark

arises and causes an appointment run over; or was due to a full category shi  or if the piece is 

budgeting time to scout for new trends, prod-
standing alone in its results.
uct categories, and display ideas.
Having current information is the key to having 

Go to every  oor in the Trade Mart,
constructive, collaborative conversations about 
World Trade Center, and the Market Hall many issues that are important to merchants and 

across the street; you never know where vendors alike, such as terms, discounts, and co-op 

you will  nd items that are fun or that can
give you a super-high margin on a product The historical data you want to review – and 

line that has been hiding from you. Finding new be er yet, have at hand – includes sales  gures, 
and innovative products helps distinguish your
inventory, category, and vendor performance. 

store from your local and digital competition. Having this information ready to study at market 

“When you continue to buy the same prod-
provides you with the resources to make decisions 
ucts, a new trend will never be found.”
that are well-informed and based on fact. Not to 

mention that your vendor partners will know you 
there’S an aPP for that
are a professional who takes your business seri- 

Every part of our lives has felt the impact of ously when you are prepared.

the digital revolution and going to market is no 
di erent. The LIGHTOVATION and DMC smart- BudGet

phone apps make your market trip interactive. A critical component to every market trip is your 
With the addition of new showrooms and the budget. How much will you spend?

relocation of others, it can be daunting trying to You must set a budgeted amount for each of the 

 nd where your showroom of choice may be.
product categories you carry; then within each of 
With easy-to-use  oor plans as part of the the categories, set a percentage of the budget to 

app, you can  nd the exhibitors you want to buy at each vendor. Having an overall “open to 
see plus the scheduled presentations and buy”  gure is also helpful. This information will let 

educational events. This digital tool is great for you shi  your resources around if an opportunity 
“When you 
enhancing your personal productivity, too. If you comes up.
want to be super-e cient, you can create a daily I like to include a budget line item for each category 
personal agenda with the app.
called Unexpected. Having this category will mentally 
An important part of going market is seeing prepare you to jump out of your box. You may  nd 
to buy 
and interacting with industry friends, and the an accessory item or a category killer that you go wild 
the same 
app lets you know who is in a endance at the over — and now you have the budget for it.
show. A feature I  nd very useful is the capacity Once that budget is set, do not spend more 
products, a 
to have a public discussion on a topic or have than what you have assigned. There is always time 
a private conversation with a friend or trusted to review and reallocate funds or increase the 
new trend 
budget once you return to your store.

will never Now, what happens if you can’t a end mar- There is one other critical component that must 
ket? Believe it or not, downloading the app can be budgeted for: space. In brick and mortar show- 

be found.”
be a great resource for people who can’t a end. rooms, space is  nite and costly for both display 
With more than 500 active users, there are and in the warehouse. With consumers’ desire to 

plenty of conversations, pictures of product, have a curated look to the merchandise they see, 

and merchandising ideas that are shared on the knowing and planning the number of items you 
activity and photo feeds. This lets you be partial show and hold is smart business.

participant at market, even from afar.
vendorS or PartnerS

winnerS and loSerS
Market is a good time to bridge the gap between 

Review sales statistics of your product cat- suppliers who are merely vendors and those who 
egories and speci c items. When looking at are your true partners. My decades-old de nition 

the performance of an item alone, it is hard to of a supplier is one who sells a product to a mer- 
discern if an item’s superb or poor performance
chant and nothing more than that. The product is

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