Page 78 - enLIGHTenment December 2016
P. 78

On the Mark

topics, from technical information on LEDs to 

ways for interacting with digital-savvy customers. 
It is to your bene t to a end at least one develop- 

Make a Plan
mental seminar at each market.
(Self disclosure: I o en present a few seminars 
create a Schedule 
that can help you sharpen your business skills.)
download the aPP 

review SaleS StatS the tech toolS You need

create a BudGet Your smartphone is a critical component in 
achieving market success. First, make sure you 
Build PartnerShiPS 
have adequate storage space available or that you 
take a claSS
can upload your photos to a cloud.
BrinG a SMartPhone It can be hard to recall where you saw an item 

inveSt tiMe & MoneY
at market, but if you have a picture of it, that prob- 
lem is solved.

Create at least three main  les to place your 

pictures in; then within those  les, label the asso- 
ciated sub- les by vendor. The  rst  le you create 

is for the items you have purchased. This lets the 
sta  at the store see what is coming in and can 

help with planning displays.

The second  le is for possible purchases of 
items you may want, but need more time to think 

about. The third  le is for display and merchandis- 
bought and there are no expectations of the sup- ing ideas. Some very good merchandising ideas 

plier other than that the goods are delivered intact are spread throughout the market. When you see 

according to agreed terms and arrive on time. The an idea that you’d like to adapt, take a picture of it.
partner does all the same things as the supplier, With all of this picture-taking, you will use up 

except there is a working relationship that goes power. Bring extra ba eries (or an external back- 
beyond just making the sale. A partner o ers up ba ery) with you, and don’t forget the chargers 

assistance in several areas such as marketing sup- and power cords. These items take up li le space 

port, training and education, or coordinating and and will save you a lot of time lost from being out 
installing display vigne es.
of power or stuck somewhere while your phone 

Another important aspect of this relation- is charging.
Mark Okun is ship between vendor and clients is intelligence. Vendors, take note: place a few rapid charging 

Business Contributor Vendors can share industry-speci c information stations in your showroom as a convenience for 

to enLIGHTenment including style and trend analysis that they ac- customers.
Magazine and quire through proper account management by 

President of Mark their reps. As a result, the showroom becomes a the reSultS You want
Okun Consulting & seamless channel from the vendor to the end user Invest your time as well as you invest your money. 

Performance Group. with all parties focused on the end user’s delight.
The results of planning will provide you with a 

He has more than
“Having a partnership between showroom and be er market visit. A er each market day is done, 
30 years of hands-
vendor raises the bar for each side because the review what has been accomplished and modify 

on retail experience investment is deeper than a transactional sale.”
your next day’s schedule to follow up on any loose 
training and coaching ends. A ending market not only facilitates your 

sales associates in the Market iS alSo for education
businesses success, but helps provide you with 

lighting and furniture Another a raction at the lighting market is the op- great experiences and relationships with vendors 
industries. portunity to advance your professional knowledge and your fellow showrooms. Think of market as an 

Mark@bravo and development. There are classes, presenta- essential tool that helps you keep winning in this
tions, and seminars that cover a broad array of
changing channel of lighting sales. 

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