Page 54 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - February 2017
P. 54
Digital Marketing
Traditional marketing methods —
If you have shopped online, you will notice that
newspaper, TV, radio, and billboards a pop-up window invites you to “chat” with a “real”
person. This is the only way the two-dimensional
— are no longer a racting customers world of online shopping can have any human
touch. No ma er the e ort used by online e-tailers
in the Internet age.
to connect with a prospect, they can only present a
façade of assistance.
WTHe beGInnInG
e are solidly in the age of Most showrooms have some digital presence today,
the empowered consumer. whether it is a direct e-mail campaign or sharing
Research of virtually all prod- posts from a vendor on various social platforms.
ucts known to humankind To get the most from your digital marketing e orts,
can take place entirely in the
you must have a strategy that goes beyond non-
digital realm. Along with research, personal and self- permission marketing. Spreading someone else’s
directed conversations can happen with a variety of digital e orts at the connection or changing your
reliable sources that the client can choose from and home page a few times a year is not a strategy.
at any time they want.
The secret to social media success is not some
While most customers have changed the way that whiz-bang app; it requires a commitment to learn-
they shop, too few salespeople have accepted this ing something new, hard work, increased e ort,
permanent change in the buyer’s journey. Many re- monitoring, and analysis.
ports state the customer has completed as much as
70 percent of the buying process before they ever DIGITaL markeTInG Is manDaTory
think of ge ing into their car and driving to a store Traditional marketing methods such as newspa-
and digital marketers use that to their advantage.
per, TV, radio, and billboards have been the go-to
52 enLIGHTenment Magazine | february 2017