Page 56 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - February 2017
P. 56
on the mark
Don’t jump into every social media
about who the opposition is. With the Internet,
platform there is! First discover how you can learn volumes about your competitors
without stepping into their stores. Take a look at
your de ned customers interact with how they use social media in their marketing. The
goal isn’t to mimic their strategy, but to know what
the digital media they use.
is possible.
campaIGn GoaLs
braInsTorm personas
This is the next step in your digital marketing
A limited de nition of a buyer’s persona is a hypo- strategy. What do you want to accomplish from
thetical depiction based on real and market data your marketing e orts? It may be building your
such as demographics, pa erns of behavior, and brand, gaining more page likes, Web site visits, or
other customer-related motivations. A lighting the contact information from a warm lead. Decide
store will have several of these personas, such as: on one of them. Just like any goal se ing activity,
Homeowner (both the new homeowner and the you must set SMART goals: Speci c, Measurable,
remodeler), Builder, Electrician, Designer, and Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound.
Retail Client. The more you drill down into the
aTTracT anD enGaGe poTenTIaL cLIenTs
details, the be er o you are.
Now that your goal is clear, how will you a ract
Look before you Leap
and engage people? Begin with the creation of
Don’t jump into every social media platform there content. This is the point in your social campaign
is! First discover how your de ned customers in- that can make you appealing to your selected
teract with the digital media they use. Over time, persona or have them click on the “show me less”
you can add more platforms.
bu on. Your posts must be captivating enough to
I would always recommend to my sales trainees want them to continue to learn more about you or
that they must shop the competition to learn more
the subject you are featuring.
54 enLIGHTenment Magazine | february 2017